Too much water? Symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so my plant is growing in a pot out in a clearing in the woods near my house, where it gets good sunlight and, unfortunately, lots of rain this time of year. I think it's out-growing the 8" diameter pot that its in, but I'm a bit worried that transplanting it would shock it...and it's been pouring rain almost every day for the past week.

If it gets too much water, how do I know if it's rootbound?
Would moving it into a bigger pot help it survive?
How do I know if it needs a bigger pot yet?

PS: Yellowing of the leaves has decreased, but now they're drooping (too much water?).

Willie North

Well-Known Member
pics would help yes.
And you know when your plants are root bound when you can see them sticking out of the bottom of the pot.
Just get a 5 Gal pot and ur good to go


Well-Known Member
it is raining right now, but I took some pictures yesterday while it was clear outside.
you can only really see some slight drooping of the leaves, the yellowing bottom leaves, the size of the pot, and (maybe?!) the gender...

it might be a bit young to determine the gender, but if anyone can tell, please let me know M/F?

i thought being 'root bound' meant that the roots were trying to take in too much water, and swelled up? i'm sure i need to bring a 5gal bucket out there (after i make some drainage holes in it), but i'm just hoping that a plant this size can handle the transplanting stress...


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Well-Known Member
that looks hungry!! can't tell sex yet, root bound means the roots are outgrowing the pot. Have you read the grow faq top left?