Too Rediculously Simple Not to Share

i saw your first post explaining the protocol for mda/mdma or whatever it was. i seriously doubt if many here could manage making that... but interesting, although loooong...
I will be posting new stuff soon. I don't want anyone to make anyone illegal, and I think people will be interested in making fragrances, then adapting that technology to other things. Like some form of 5-HTP that can be smelled instead of eaten. Then cross the blood brain barrier better. And not huffed or snorted, I mean SMELLED.
are you gonna feed them with mxe and nbomes?

Dude you don't know wtf you're talking about, it's milk that produces that fattest nugz. An none of that skim or almond shit. Whole milk, sucked straight from the cow's utters. The secret is the milk complexing the bovine growth hormones. Just ask Fin 8-).
shit! can i substitute bull milk?
Dude you don't know wtf you're talking about, it's milk that produces that fattest nugz. An none of that skim or almond shit. Whole milk, sucked straight from the cow's utters. The secret is the milk complexing the bovine growth hormones. Just ask Fin 8-).






whats the yield on the mda extract and what do you mean by boiling bath and ice bath, does the whole mixture evaporate or do you have to separate anything?
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