Took pre employment drug test used quick fix ..


Well-Known Member
Last friday night i took a pre employment drug test for pepboys using quick fix synthetic urine, formula 4.0

My question is that pepboys still have not called me. I dont know if i failed the fucking test or not.

The temp on the bottle read 98 degrees so i poured that in and it BARELY i mean BARELY made the line on the cup.

So i gave the lady the cup and she wrapped it up and sealed it and made me sign papers etc. She said the results will be mailed to your company. Now idk if they do the results there or not. Or do they send them out to a lab???

Will i get this job or not??? On the sheet she gave me it has a check for tempature between 94- 100 degrees.

If anyone has input that would be greatly appreciated. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Haha takes a little while to get tests into the labs, give it some time. but if you were in the temp range, and you only used quickfix, your a sure thing tho

:peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Last friday night i took a pre employment drug test for pepboys using quick fix synthetic urine, formula 4.0

My question is that pepboys still have not called me. I dont know if i failed the fucking test or not.

The temp on the bottle read 98 degrees so i poured that in and it BARELY i mean BARELY made the line on the cup.

So i gave the lady the cup and she wrapped it up and sealed it and made me sign papers etc. She said the results will be mailed to your company. Now idk if they do the results there or not. Or do they send them out to a lab???

Will i get this job or not??? On the sheet she gave me it has a check for tempature between 94- 100 degrees.

If anyone has input that would be greatly appreciated. :confused:

that is exactly what my last drug test for a job went. Used quick fix and it barely made the line lol kinda worried me and i thought the temp was low but she checkd the same 94-100 box

I think the job called me 2 days later.....just give it some time man, I still have that job and I still smoke every day :weed:


Well-Known Member
damn well its tuesday now , i'm still waiting for a damn call, i know a background check takes 48hrs to run , but i have a clean background never been arrested. So wtf!! lol


Well-Known Member
When I used to get tested, I used synthetic urine every time and it worked EVERY TIME. I would smoke right before I went to pee knowing I would be fine.


Well-Known Member
When I used to get tested, I used synthetic urine every time and it worked EVERY TIME. I would smoke right before I went to pee knowing I would be fine.
Just out of curiousity, what are the specs for the synthetic urine? how does it workk? where can you buy from?


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiousity, what are the specs for the synthetic urine? how does it workk? where can you buy from?

What do you mean by specs?

It works because its synthetic urine....when doctors put the chemicals in it to react with the THC it acts as normal clean urine which will not react the same way to whatever chemicals they put in to find THC

You can buy it online or at basically any head shop (short of the specialty glass ones that sell strictly glass works)


Well-Known Member
like will it work for different body masses? men and women?
It works for everyone.....when you get piss tested they don't look at it under a microscope and do a DNA test or some shit.........

They split your piss up into how ever many samples you need then for each sample they put a different chemical into it to react with whatever drug they are testing for.

Its not like they do extensive tests to figure out if its male/female piss. You're reading too deep into it. Millions of people get drug tested every day they don't have the man power/time to do crazy tests on everyones piss.

Maybe if you are a repeat offender and on intensive probation (called different things in different states)


Well-Known Member
i called them last tuesday, which was 3 days after i took the piss test. And they said that they still have to run a background check and wait for th reslults of the drug test.

Now i'm going to call them tomorrow since tomorrow will be a week and 2 days since my INTERVIEW/DRUG TEST. I will let you guys know tomroow what happens OKAY.


Well-Known Member
Pepboys takes FOREVER! I have a family member that works for them and they went through the same thing, waiting....It took over a week for everything to clear. You will be fine, I am sure.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Pepboys takes FOREVER! I have a family member that works for them and they went through the same thing, waiting....It took over a week for everything to clear. You will be fine, I am sure.:peace:
HELL YEA THATS WHAT I WANNA HEAR!!!! like i have a clean background and was told that quick fix 4.0 WORKS 100% !!!!! SO ITS LIKE WTF HAHA


Well-Known Member
HELL YEA THATS WHAT I WANNA HEAR!!!! like i have a clean background and was told that quick fix 4.0 WORKS 100% !!!!! SO ITS LIKE WTF HAHA
My brother n law was flipping out too. He waited a week and a half after his drug test. He thought for sure something messed him up, it didn't....They just take their time there because they are a huge franchise...You will be fine. Oh, and he used Quick Fix too....:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
well better yet, i am going to call them tommorrow because that would seem more appropriate, hell i might as well wait till wednesday to do it.