Tools IE: Snap on, Matco, MAC, Cornwell etc.


Well-Known Member
Any of you guys and maybe females into tools and such? I am a car nut. My father had a 1969 Camaro SS when I was a kid for like 15 yrs, then he sold it to my brother and he sold it..anyway. I am a Mechanic..(was a Generator Mechanic in the Army too), and of course we need to fund our own tools. Most of all my tools are Snap on.

Expensive but some of the best tools ever...Snap on's ratchets, ratchet wrenches and wrenches are the best IMO, and I have used Matco, I wont even touch cornholes ratchets, I have played wth a few of them on the truck and they suck...Matco are pretty decent. Never been on a MAC truck.


Well-Known Member
My tool collection is like a psychopath's scrap pile, but since I drive a Land Rover, it suits the job perfectly.


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky to have a friend who owned a garbage biz. Whenever i need to work on my truck i get to use nothing but snap- on. I agree there is no substitute, expensive but will last forever ..


Well-Known Member
Its hard to beat snap-on but you pay for what you get. And most the stuff is thinner allowing for easier access.

And Snap-on socks are the best! @ $6 bucks each!


Well-Known Member
Any of you guys and maybe females into tools and such? I am a car nut. My father had a 1969 Camaro SS when I was a kid for like 15 yrs, then he sold it to my brother and he sold it..anyway. I am a Mechanic..(was a Generator Mechanic in the Army too), and of course we need to fund our own tools. Most of all my tools are Snap on.

Expensive but some of the best tools ever...Snap on's ratchets, ratchet wrenches and wrenches are the best IMO, and I have used Matco, I wont even touch cornholes ratchets, I have played wth a few of them on the truck and they suck...Matco are pretty decent. Never been on a MAC truck.
A couple years ago I was taking a radiator out of a bulldozer, my boss handed me a battery powered snap-op impact wrench. I laugh at him at first, but then I realized that was about the most bad ass tool Ive ever seen. I was pulling out 1.5 inch rusty bolts with ease. I took out and replaced the the radiator with one charge..


King Tut
I generally stick to Craftsman. Not a full-fledged mechanic though. More of a handyman/tinkerer.

Figure they are less expensive and still have a lifetime warranty. No truck to deliver them to me but I don't mind a short drive.


Well-Known Member
A couple years ago I was taking a radiator out of a bulldozer, my boss handed me a battery powered snap-op impact wrench. I laugh at him at first, but then I realized that was about the most bad ass tool Ive ever seen. I was pulling out 1.5 inch rusty bolts with ease. I took out and replaced the the radiator with one charge..

I have a 3/8" Snap on Cordless...I use that thing every day and has not failed me yet. I also have a Cornwell 3/4" Air Impact...that will break any lug you need off