Top baby in trouble!!!!!


Active Member
:cry: SHIT GUYS, i came home from work there and found my top baby wilted to bits now wilting is when she,s all droopy like is it?:confused: so as i said i,m just home from work and they,re on a 12/12 the lights go out two hours after i come home now they hadnt had a drink in two days this one being the third so i have put it down to this and to my knowledge so far its lack of water that has caused this.she drank a litre straight from the tray and a quarter of a litre poured in on top. the other two are fine but they also drank alot. CAN anyone tell me if she,ll recover from this and if yes how long??? any feedback would be really appreciated :peace: off to eat my dinner now so be back in few mins hopefully someone can help me by then.o.k off yous go now:confused: