Top feed Recirculating DWC system opions?


Would it be better to just leave the system running on a slow drip 24/7 or would you think a set schedule like maybe 4 times a day at 15 minute intervals would be more beneficial?


Well-Known Member
When I top fed I slow Dripped All Day.... Kept it Simple ...I ditched Top Feed Altogether They do just fine In Straight DWC :)


Well thanks for your time. I think i might just go ahead and do that. It will also aerate the water 24/7 that way. But have you noticed any root rot or can they become overwaterd that way? I have the nets sitting about 1 or 2 inches from the water. And plan on keeping the nets that far away from the top of the water thru all stages of the plants cycle.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for your time. I think i might just go ahead and do that. It will also aerate the water 24/7 that way. But have you noticed any root rot or can they become overwaterd that way? I have the nets sitting about 1 or 2 inches from the water. And plan on keeping the nets that far away from the top of the water thru all stages of the plants cycle.

The net pot could be sitting in the water the plants whole life If the water has enough air it will thrive not rot..... AERATION is Key to this tho ...When plants are young I like to leave "no gap" of air Just lot of oxygenated water... When their larger And I move them into my flowering tent I leave about 4" air gap above my 4 Gallon Res That slowly gets larger as my plants suck up water (this is just how I roll there are many ways to skin a cat as it were) The Spattering bubbles The pump creates Keeps the Air A few inches above the surface of the water Completely Saturated ( look under you DWC lid If it's wet and drippy there so are your roots )

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
The net pot could be sitting in the water the plants whole life If the water has enough air it will thrive not rot..... AERATION is Key to this tho ...When plants are young I like to leave "no gap" of air Just lot of oxygenated water... When their larger And I move them into my flowering tent I leave about 4" air gap above my 4 Gallon Res That slowly gets larger as my plants suck up water (this is just how I roll there are many ways to skin a cat as it were) The Spattering bubbles The pump creates Keeps the Air A few inches above the surface of the water Completely Saturated ( look under you DWC lid If it's wet and drippy there so are your roots )
With a 4" air gap, don't you get thick roots hanging down too.


Active Member
I have a dwc with top drip as well and for the first month while the plant is still small, I run four 15 minute cycles of the top drip. Then when the plants are bigger, about 6 weeks old, I run the drip 24/7