Top half yellowing. Stunted growth.

GH flora series (grow, bloom, micro).
PH kept at 6.0
About 2 weeks into flowering.
Ebb and flow. I water 3x at 5 mins.

I have 2 trays. One tray is fine, the other tray they all look like like this. Leaves on the top half are yellowed with green veins and limp. The leaves at the bottom are healthy green. I flushed for 1 hour with clearex and went light on the nutes to 820ppm total (160 from tap). After 3 days the leaves looked yellower so i res changed and added full strength nutes plus extra GH floragrow 2-1-6 to ppm of 1200. The healthy tray is at 1000ppm. It's been 3 days and I'm unsure of any change. The ppm and water level are not much changed in 3 days.
DSCF0919.jpg<--This is the middle where the yellowing starts.
DSCF0906.jpgDSCF0911.jpg <-In these 2 pics the plants on right are the healthy tray.

DSCF0916.jpg<--You see the whole yellow tray. The burning is old stuff.
DSCF0920.jpg<--Easy to tell the 2 trays apart here.


Since this is happening to the upper half of the plant it sounds like Iron deficiency but I'm using GH micro.

Should I just chill for a few days and see if they were hungry?
Could I have caused another lockout by going 1200 ppm at 2nd week of flowering?