Topping & cuttings


Hi all

im a newbie and just have a couple of questions
Im growing in soil with nutrients these are bigbang2 and are 5 weeks into growth from seed

i am planning on going into flowering in 2 weeks due to limited vertical growth space (3.5ft)

im on a hps 600 lighting with 5" extraction and 7" fan for circulation and strengthening with 2 x 5" inlets

Is it too late to top my plants ? i was planning on only doing one as its my first grow

also when can i take cuttings and could i use the top that i pinch out

Any comments/suggestions will be gratefully recieved



Well-Known Member
i would take a cutting that doesnt look like it will seriously stunt the growth :) maybe a bottom maybe a top w/e u think is better

Garden weeds

Active Member
Im not a fan of topping IMO, no harm will be caused if you take a cutting, i would go for either the 1st or 2nd node from the bottom. GW