Topping questions.


Can i top the tip nodes on my branches? They look just like the top of a plant. I was just wondering if it would still give the topping effect. AND the first sets of leaves do not branch off do they? i have 60 day old plants and the oldest are underneath the branching stems of each node. What good or not so good things will hapen to my plants if i cut those off? The reason i am considering this is because the branching stems aren't getting good light do to the big ass old leaves. somebody IRL told me those leaves store water for the plant? I dunno what to think about that. So would it be a good thing to cut the branches off that aren't getting nodes? Or will they eventually get nodes? I'd add pics but what good would it do if i can't point and show you what branches i am talking about.



Active Member
tuck the big leaves under the branches to get the tops above them. once you get a good thick canopy the plant will prune its self of all the lower leaves that arn't getting enough light. don't get me wrong, you can pull a few off them off if there in a bad spot if like and it won't hurt anything but as long as there green and growing the plant would still prefer to have them.