topping vs fiming


Well-Known Member
Can someone there opinion on which they think is better??? I've done topping but was thinking about trying fiming..


Better for what?.I'm assuming end yield?. Fiming for anywhere from 3-7 tops is what I get usually when done correctly,as opposed to toppings which gets 2 tops. Topping produces the same amounts of stress as fiming so either will hurt the plant and slow it down for a week or so. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've tried both, they produce about the same imo, typically end up with 6-8 colas per plant. I do find FIM's recover faster though and trying it multiple times to see if I can get 10-12 per plant next round, have FIM'd them 3 times this veg cycle and a lot of LST, won't see the results for another 3-4 weeks though. I don't know that it matters either way but FIM does seem to recover faster. Could be advantageous if you use a short veg cycle.


Well-Known Member
I usually veg for 6 to 8 weeks. I usually supercrop and top but never fim'd and was curious. .
Yeah, you could FIM 2-3 times in that length of veg cycle, like @dannyboy602 said, LST is quite beneficial and can be done right through the cycle, the last LST I usually do is right at the end of stretch, some sativas stretch a lot so it's good to shape/open them up at that point to allow lots of light through and even out your canopy. I used some cheap dollar store bamboo trellises this round which helped with LST and to support the colas later in the flower cycle, some pics in my CMH thread (sig), those are 2 plants, different strains (1x Jack The Ripper, 1x Pure Power Plant) but both ended up around the same amount of colas and size. Expecting somewhere around 7-8 oz from the 2 plants, 8 week veg.


Well-Known Member
Topping is removing the entire top crown. Most always a topped plant will replace the removed cola with 2 colas growing in the same place. Topping also helps keep the height down if you are worried about growing into the light. FIMing is removing most of the top crown. When done right a FIM job will produce 4 top colas where 1 was removed. I FIM almost all my plants at 2-3 weeks in veg. NOTE - long-time FIMers know to keep a couple tomato cages handy. FIMed plants tend to being a bit top-heavy and can benefit from the extra support. BigSteve.

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
I've topped before, but it has been years. What is the average time added to the plant with topping vs. fiming in relation to not doing either?


Well-Known Member
" What is the average time added to the plant with topping vs. fiming in relation to not doing either? Thanks."

Topping or FIMing early in veg period does little or nothing to extend harvest time compared to a non-manicured plants. Trimming a plant does not alter it's maturity. Example -- if you top at 2 weeks in dirt the plant will continue to mature at the same level as another plant. At 5 weeks in dirt you will have a ready-to-flower plant with 2 top colas. Without topping you'd have the same plant with one top cola. Growth rate doesn't change, growth direction is altered.

I can manicure a plant into just about any desired shape if I start early enough in veg and have a cooperative strain (phenotype). I can heavily top the highest 2 or 3 or 4 nodes and end up with a sausage-shaped plant. I can FIM the top 2 nodes and cut the intermodal distances in half. That alone practically doubles the number of bud sites. With enough experience and a sense of humor you can play God and grow out about any shape.

Have fun out there!


Well-Known Member
fimmings a technique which has been around since the begining of time,,,old folk call it pinching they do it with there thumb nail and finger,,, , nothing new with al these techniques,,,,ask some old timers there's a gardeners thread thell help