Tops not getting light


New Member
This is my first vert setup... my tallest plant is not getting direct light on the top main cola... is this an issue?

This is an old photo from 12/12 flip, but my most recent of this setup; plants are much bigger now, about 3' - 4' tall more or less; I also raised up the lights a couple inches. Some of the tops are higher than the lamps, but if I raise the lights to hit the main cola on my tallest plant, then other plants will be further away. My hope is that the plant will transfer nutes around as needed to the main cola with no issues.


Well-Known Member
Yea, well there always has to be one damn bitch that has to stretch so much more then others, damn show-offs! If the stretch is done can you bend that damn bitch over just a tad? Nail that bitch in the arse an make her like it!
I don't know about the op but just saying the word "arse" gives me limp dick and I won't be nailing anything......talking dirty without swearing, no fun in that! Lol


Well-Known Member
Looks good, but yeah I've had similar problems with the stretch getting out of hand (damned sativa trait ;?) and getting above the lights. Malevolence, how about super-cropping? You could just bend that top over, get her back down into the light and could also help plump up the lower buds, just a thought ;?D

Edit: Ah, I see Oldstoner beat me to it, lol. They say great minds think alike, :mrgreen: but then again experience gained by dint of living to a ripe old age, often passes for wisdom ;?D


Well-Known Member
ok check this and go down to dr.d's post..

looking at his set up, it's bare bulb and there is no problems with stretch
I think what happened in yours, is that one needed more light. Your cool tubes as well as close plant placement , the close plants are blocking light to the one in the back. To solve this you would do a vscrog, helping the light get around the whole area.
I've never done vscrog but conceptually, it makes the most sense using no glass and allowing the radius of the bulb to hit more surface area (no plants really close)
this will allow you a more even grow space also, and running 1 strain at a time would probably help keep things a little controlled.


Well-Known Member
high temp diffs is the leading cause of stretch.

Your bulbs are waaaaaaaaaaay too high dude. The light energy comes out the sides of the arc tube, nowhere else. The highest you ever want the bulb is the base of the bulb level with the tops of the plants. MY partner says a wee bit higher.. like 2' higher. We debate it all the time, but at any rate, almost ALL of your light is radiating over the tops of the plants.

If you took a light meter into your room you would curse yourself.