Tops of my plants are droopy!help!


Well-Known Member

I have two plants that are a week into flowering stage now.They have been topped a while ago so each plant has two main stems instead of one.
I have a fan on them whilst under the lamp but not very powerful one.
The problem is that the very tops of the plants seem to be getting droopy and not very strong.
Do i need to support them at all?
I need to strengthen them up somehow i think but not sure?
If anyone has a solution to this problem please help!
Doc GreenThumb :joint: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Any way you can provide us with a pic as this could be a number of reasons depending on your watering schedule, temperatures, etc.

When i switched to flowering on my plants, they also started to droop at the tops. I also have 2 plants and had topped one of them which had two main stems. I believe they got colder as i was vegging 24 hour lighting to keep temperature up in my cold garage where my grow room is.

Im in the uk you see, and consequently, because of the cold they started to take in less water as their metabolisms slowed... i was watering normally, but they started to droop due to them thinking they had been overwatered when in fact watering was normal.

Could be something similar but more details about your set up and care routines would be helpful.

If it is that they are just too damn heavy then I would say yes, get a bamboo cane and prop them up if it keeps them near the lights!


Well-Known Member
this can happen during flowering that the colas get to heavy for the plant to support on their own, so you have to help them somehow or they going to snap off...

are the upper stems of your plant really so weak or do you grow some giant colas there? post some pic if you can please:) a single pic equals a thousand words;)