Tote curing

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
Anyone do anything to make sure the first batch in doesn't smell like plastic.... I've heard it won't smell like it I've heard it will I've heard lining it with contractor garbage bags.... don't see the point in using both...
Don't have enough wet trim righy now to rub it down.....

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
Also this was a tester chop not sure if it's going to be enough to fill the tote yet.... trying to avoid buying a small one when I'll need larger ones in a few weeks..... not sure if I'll get the same effect for burping and curing

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
I knew a guy with a decent size home operation who used Igloo coolers to store his trimmed buds. They were pretty big ones. Probably 2.75 feet high, 4 to 5 feet long and 2 feet wide.