Toxic Punch 250w Dwc Floro


New to this, been lingering a while figured I'd get involved.

So let me bring everyone up to speed.

I've been an outdoor grower for the better part of a decade and have recently moved into town and am forced to grow indoor. Did a few t5 grows with bad results.
So i upped the ante to a 1000w and started the next round. Which has been incredibly more successful.

Current flower Middle of week 5 (Back left: Toxic Punch, Front Left: Mohamed (a friends creation), Back Right: Jupiter Kush, Front Right: Unknown seed i had saved.)

In the meantime i got interested in dwc and about 30 days ago, i threw one of my clones in a homemade dwc bucket.
I have been overwhelmed with the rate of growth. It is quickly out growing the 2x4x6 tent.
I took one round of clones 10 days ago and will be taking another batch tomorrow.

(Toxic Punch: Sorry bout crappy photo's, I will use the other camera from now on. )

So what has to happen is i have to make a space for this with my current flower area being full and my unwillingness to kill a perfectly good plant solely because its growing too fast

Tomorrow i will be cloning and in the days that follow i will be training the new growth and sticking it in a closet under a 250w floro for flowering by the end of the weekend. I plan on having more pictures by than. This is a test for my future dwc plans. I am curious in seeing how big of a pain it is without a ppm reader and the overall results of a dwc floro.

I didn't plan on focusing on the ones currently flowering but if interested i will keep everyone up to speed on those as well.

I will also be starting a journal on a 4 plant scrog recirculating dwc after current flower is done. Got high
hopes +_+


Week 1 Toxic Punch
I decided to buy a 400mh for this instead of the 250 floro i was running as i didnt feel it was nearly enough light...
So i ended up shoving it into the closet where it started to stretch and outgrew the height limitations of the closet

The plant got a little big and i was forced to tie it over into two section due to limited area.

PH meter broke currently using drops... Looking for a good cheaper PH/TDS meter, any suggestions?
Not sure if leafs are curling from too much nute, currently feeding 1/2 strength, or wrong ph? Drops say its right around 6...

Definitely need to invest in a GOOD ppm/ph meter any suggestions would be great!

As for my dirt grow its finishing up nicely just flushed 2 will pull 2 of them in about 7 days...

Kushes aren't quite done so they will be staying in a week or maybe two longer... Incredibly underestimated 1000w growth so plants are getting rootbound in the 3 gallon pots...