TRAINWRECK; First grow, info needed.

I got a TW seed from an online source and I have not done a legit grow yet. I've practiced on bagseeds but I never got any nutes or even got them to flower, yet.

But my main concern is what kind of nutes I'll need and if anyone has any specific info on growing Trainwreck it would be much appreciated.

Right now I have two t8 4' bulbs for vegging as well as two regular cfls for some extra light. Same thing for flowering but with the respective light temp.

I want to know what the best soil would be for A. seedlings B. veg phase C. flowering. And any other periods of the plants life that will need different soils.

Also I need to know what type of nutrients will work best and at what time in the life cycle will be best to start giving it nutes. Also I need to know more about how to give the plant nutrients in general and how to best avoid killing it from nute OD. hahah.
BTW I am not looking to get a list of some brand name soil or nutes. I want to know what specifically in the soil is going to make grow the best and what sort of composition are the nutes. I only want to know so if I can not find the specific brand at the shop, I can look for which is most similiar type of product.


Active Member
Before i suggest any nutes or soils my only question is do you care about either soil or nutes being organic?

But so help with you other ?...For starters I suggest folding a paper towel and placing your seeds in the fold then dampen the towel and keep it covered to retain moisture for anywhere from 2-10 day till it fully pops out of its seed. Lighting during this time i keep evenly mixed 65k/27k. During this time before switching to veg DON'T use any nutes. During veg you want to use nute with more Nitrogen(the 1st # found on the bottle of nutes[ex. 3-2-3]) cuz N will be used more by the plant to grow big while still having slightly lower ratio's of Phosphorous(second # ex 2 in the 3-2-3) and Potassium(last #)
Flowering you wanna use a fertilizer with slightly less N and more Phosphorous ans Potassium(ex 2-4-4). Rule of thumb by ALL growers, always use 1/4 ratio of what the bottle of nute suggests per gallon. So if you use Miracle Gro and it says 1tsp per gal, just use 1/4 tsp per gal
Thanks for the reply. Ill keep that stuff in mind when I go get my nutes and shit.

hopefully if all goes well in the next few weeks i'll throw up some pics