Transferring from soil to DWC.


Active Member
I got a quick question and if there is a guide for this then please link me to it. However I have a basic indoor cfl grow going now running in soil. I've crafted homemade DWC systems before and really the only reason I'm not running these 3 plants in one now is due to the fact that my friend planted them in soil and gave them to me.

I was wondering if it was possible to wash the roots off real well and put them in a DWC? I feel like if I'm careful (and while they're still young) then it may be possible.

Any input?


Active Member
so Ive seen a video on youtube, search for it and it makes perfect sense, you allow the potted plant to dry, then have nice comfortable pH'd water in a LARGE tub (think large rubbermaid tub) and you remove the plant from the pot, and dunk the entire rootmass/dirt into the tub of pH'd water and you can basically ruffle your hands through the roots gently and MOST of the dirt will come off. Be careful, and I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have to.


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted some small clones that were rooted in soil into my DWC. Carefully rinsed the soil away, and was very gentle. A week later they still seem like they may die. I would not try this again.

Hope this helps


Active Member
I just transplanted some small clones that were rooted in soil into my DWC. Carefully rinsed the soil away, and was very gentle. A week later they still seem like they may die. I would not try this again.

Hope this helps
Haha well it makes me not want to do it anymore. I just had to transfer these guys to bigger pots and one ended up dying last night out of nowhere. I had 4 plants, all looked fine yesterday, woke up and am down to 3.

Maybe I'll just run DWC on my next grow.


just some guy
try one plant. if it works, do the rest.

wash the roots off with tepid water, put into DWC and BAAAAAAAAAAAAAM

fun. You can throw a couple of drops of superthrive in there if you're really worried about it.