Transit from cfl to hid


New Member
When is the best time to transition from cfl grow lights to the sodium. How far from the plant should u start and when and how far do u lower it


Well-Known Member
This is a moment that is worth waiting for....we need to hear a "God Damm from you once that hps kicks in ....most veg for a month or two, this time of year anticipation of spring even longer waiting for the frost to clear, to go from 200 w of CFL to 250-400w HPS is a moment in a growers life ....just saying


Sector 5 Moderator
When is the best time to transition from cfl grow lights to the sodium. How far from the plant should u start and when and how far do u lower it
2. Depends on the HPS wattage and the size of your plants but generally about 2' should be safe.
3. "Harden them off" by lowering it a couple of inches a day.