transplant shock, please help....


het all, i recently transplanted one of my plants, they r outdoors in the ground from day 1, the day i moved it it instantly just fell over and looked almost dead, within a couple days it stood back up, the leaves all curled up and the bottom one died. i was wondering if it will come back and produce or if it is a lost cause, it looks healthy now but it has not grown even a cm it is just there, dont die, dont grow, what should i do? i appreciate you reading and any info you may have for me, thanks...

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
I am also curious because i had some trouble with some of my indoor.
dbo, how long has it been outdoors? have you checked for any pests? how much light and water? what strain?
I dont have much experience doing outdoor but I will try to atleast bump this and provide suggestions and support



Well-Known Member
If it is transplant shock, they'll just feel sorry for themselves for a few days and then they'll get over it.


they have been outside since about the first of may(ish), there are def. no bug or pests, a couple ants here and there but nothin to be alarmed about, the get full direct sun from about 8am until 2pm, then it becomes slightly filtered by the balasters on my deck, until about 5 ish when the sun ducks behind the trees for the night, it has been rainting a bit here latelt so i havent been watering at all, the strain is a mystery, just some lucky seeds i found in bags a kb over the last year, the other that is still gowing now is beautiful, they were put in the ground the same day, the one i transplanted was being sunblocked by the other which was the reason for the move. i just tried to get a pic, but it is to friggin sunny out cant get a good one but here is what i could get along with a pic of the good one.


Da Silva Satia

Active Member
best thing i can think of is maybe the ground is over watered and doesn't give the plant a reason to expand
I had a problem with that and the plants just would grow.....
are you using any nutes?

She looks fine as far as i can see, would say just ride it out and she wont disappoint you
GL - let us know how it goes