transplant to rockwool?


Active Member
How should I put my plants into Rockwool if they already have long roots? the roots are 4 to 6 inches long. Should I put all of the roots inside the rockwool or should they go down and out the bottom? so far I have germinated seedlings into neoprene plugs in a DWC tub and I suppose I have let them go a bit too long. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Many apologies if this is buried in a faq I over looked


Well-Known Member
if they arent too crazy and mostly out of the bottom maybe you could try slitting the rockwool half way in so you can sort of wrap the cube around the roots and then place that into something that will keep the rockwool from separating too much and eventually the roots should close the cube together
just try not to smush the rockwool its meant to be kept as an airy cube, be very careful