transplanting and revegging the wild wood weed help needed


Active Member
I was out couple days ago walking my dogs and i went down by 1 of my fishing spots on a little woods pond. In a spot that i fish sometimes. I havent been there since maybe june sometime. Anyway i found 5 little mj plants. 2 were males 3 were girls. These plants are small and not much too them. They average in size about 10-12 inches. The girls just have small cola buds only no branching at all. These plants were growing in the shade in very poor hard clay soil. The colas are twice diameter of a pencil bout 3 inches long. The buds r super crystaly and have good smell. Kinda odd colored hairs but they r not finished yet. I estimate 2-3 weeks till done compared to my other outdoor. These plants had to be seed cast off by either me or my brother. So it could be anything.

What i want to do is dig these plants up, and reveg them indoors so i can take cuttings and grow them out see whats what. Whats the best way to go about this. There r no fan leaves but 1-2 and the buds like i said r small. should i just leave the bud thee and let it veg out? or should i clip it in half or? I will most deffinately dig these out nice and deep to get most of the root and will pot in proably 3 gallon containers with some compost/worm castings and potting mix. These will be then thrown under a 400 mh.

One last thing these 3 all have seeds and i think they were seed by the males as i cannot tell if they r hermi. I see no evidence of a pollen sack but from what ive read some hermis have very small pollen sacks? I squeezed a couple seeds off 1 plant and they r nice black striped seeds that appear to be mature. Ill try and post a pic later.

Well thanks for any and all info.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
you said yourself that they will finish in about three weeks
if you bring them inside, they will finish in the same time.
and in all actuality, transplanting them will cause shock which will result in stunted growth which will fuck up their biological clock.
don't try to play god and just let them be.


Active Member
Im not too concerned with the tiny buds on these plants and dont care to harvest them. I want to transplant and reveg them so i can grow the clones out to their full potential too see if i got a real winner or not. I think these plants been growing is such poor conditions might have some special traits that migh prove beneficial. Idk? Ill guess ill have to wait and see.

I guess what i was really after was any tips or tricks about going about this. Not sure if i should remove part of the bud or not? I could care less bout smoking it right now. What im interested in is getting a mom or 3.
Happy Growing