Transplanting into an AG?


Ok, new to the threads and didn't see this but didn't look too hard.

Have a buddy making some clones for me but don't have a grow room yet nor will I until January and want to use an AeroGarden. Can I take already rooted plants and put them into an AG? I've heard that you can only use fresh cut clones or seads.... any help on this would be dope.


Well-Known Member
your better off building your own dwc bucket. the AG can be a pain to grow in. i only use mine to start seeds, then the babies go into dirt.


Active Member
Yes you can. I wiggled some clones out of dirt pucks and put them in recycled plastic AG thingies with some rock wool and set it to 24hr. They loved it.
You will have height issues at some point - depending on the model you have.