Transplanting Plant Just 1 Month Left


Hey Fellas,

I wanted to know if it is to late to transplant my plant into a bigger pot with only 1 month to go also if its not what type of benefit will the plant get from being put into a bigger pot the last month.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fellas,

I wanted to know if it is to late to transplant my plant into a bigger pot with only 1 month to go also if its not what type of benefit will the plant get from being put into a bigger pot the last month.
It's ok to tplant during flower. It isn't usually recommended, but if you're gentle, there's no reason why it wouldn't help. I say give those roost all the room you can. Bigger the roots, bigger the shoots.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommended it, you don't want to be putting any stress / shock on the plant late in flowering otherwise it could effect yield


Yeah I had already transplanted before even making the post, none of the dirt broke up when I transplanted it. You know how much of a better situation I put myself in like say I was going to get a pound from harvest and the pot size I moved it in is about 2 and 1/2 sizes bigger.


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea. Most plants grow little if any after 2 or 3 weeks at 12/12. TPing is stressful to plants and I wouldn't do it.



Well-Known Member
I dont know for sure why you would want to transplant with only 4 weeks left in the run ? Do you want room for what growth ?


Well-Known Member
Your good now u got room in your soil to reveg if not then you just wasted 2 1/2 times the soil as u said but that's just my .02 cents

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Well-Known Member
Hey Fellas,

I wanted to know if it is to late to transplant my plant into a bigger pot with only 1 month to go also if its not what type of benefit will the plant get from being put into a bigger pot the last month.
No transplant ,but put whole pot into a bigger container-with soil in it,then the roots will grow thru it's drainage holes into new soil- no shock n roots still grow.!


Well-Known Member
New guy -- "No transplant ,but put whole pot into a bigger container-with soil in it" is the definition of transplanting.



Well-Known Member
New guy -- "No transplant ,but put whole pot into a bigger container-with soil in it" is the definition of transplanting.

Hey whats yourname,What's up with the welcome.. I meant with the pot included,so in essence,it's only adding whole pot into soil+ NOT trans-planting as you ACCUSE..( Mr angry).!
"New guy" is pissing on your parade,so to spk..?
What's with the snarling ,why be so petty.? Is it cos ise black..


Well-Known Member
Hey whats yourname,What's up with the welcome.. I meant with the pot included,so in essence,it's only adding whole pot into soil+ NOT trans-planting as you ACCUSE..( Mr angry).!
"New guy" is pissing on your parade,so to spk..?
What's with the snarling ,why be so petty.? Is it cos ise black..
....So it looks to me based on this and another thread I see you on that you've rolled up in here to be the new little prick on the block ? Have your fun "newbie", we see your kind come and go here all the time.


Well-Known Member
....So it looks to me based on this and another thread I see you on that you've rolled up in here to be the new little prick on the block ? Have your fun "newbie", we see your kind come and go here all the time.
Why the attitude,you know NOTHING about me yet you make a 'judgement' on me being a "newbie" - as you put it just because im new to YOUR site,maybe..? Even if i WAS a "newbie" -why you so against passing on your KNOWLEDGE- NOT your hating .!? I'm really NOT interested in your ignorant comments.., I know what my capabilities are+ if i can-i will help people ,this is the second post iv came accross you posting negative comments about "newbies"+ if I remember correctly-I was thanked for my help with that guy.. you obviously have a problem with newbies,remember we were ALL newbies at sum point.!
That's it ..rant over...! Ha.. ;-)


Well-Known Member
in my experience the root ball grows to about week six of flower. my opinion is that i probably wouldn't have transplanted past week three. you might pay for your materials, or not. it will be an interesting dissection after the plants done, did you add any root stimulator?


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong about being a new guy. Your status as a newcomer is important only when it comes to wether or not you are qualified to be giving advice. As you are asking questions that is a good thing. Perhaps I was a bit snarky in my post, however, we don't know or care what color you are. Only color we care about is green, eh? Sooner you realize that victim shit don't work here the better off you will be. In the mean time, grow a pair and relate to us as growers. Or not at all.



Well-Known Member
It's not about time on site it's about your approach. Some people are going to give u shit others not so much so have fun and do u and enjoy the fruits of our labor