Transplantng question...


New Member
When you transplant a house plant they tell you to loosen the rootball a little if the plant is rootbound....would you do that with a pot plant too or just repot as is?


That's what we did first time around, but when we chopped them a few of the plants rootballs looked like they never left the solo cup....=/
When exactly did you transplant them? Transplanting should be done prior to bloom ideally, and after about 3 or 4 weeks of bloom you're not really going to get much new root growth if you transplant.

A lot of things can influence root growth. Roots wont want to grow if it is too dry, too wet or compact medium with limited oxygen\air exchange, if they don't have the nutrients to or pH isn't right (nutrients not available) or the plant is more concerned with producing seed (late bloom).

Otherwise if the plant is getting root bound, when I transplant I simply untwist the bottom roots however I can.


New Member
When exactly did you transplant them? Transplanting should be done prior to bloom ideally, and after about 3 or 4 weeks of bloom you're not really going to get much new root growth if you transplant.

A lot of things can influence root growth. Roots wont want to grow if it is too dry, too wet or compact medium with limited oxygen\air exchange, if they don't have the nutrients to or pH isn't right (nutrients not available) or the plant is more concerned with producing seed (late bloom).

Otherwise if the plant is getting root bound, when I transplant I simply untwist the bottom roots however I can.
It was our first grow and we didn't know squat about growing, they weren't into bloom yet but they hadn't had nutes either...I did tell hubby to loosen it but he thought that would shock it. On our second grow now and want to get it right this time.