

Active Member
Does anyone else here not drive? This is something that's plagued me for some time. I got my permit, went to drivers ed, was scared shitless and taught badly the entire time and have never been comfortable behind the wheel. I never got my license, I just have a State ID, and I have no desire to anytime soon. I have saved a shit-ton of money by just helping people pay for gas that give me rides to work instead of owning a car. I live in a really rural area without public transport so if I want to get somewhere I either ask a friend, hop on my ATV and drive the trails out town (ironically I have no problem on my fourwheeler) or go for a very long ass walk.

I know I probably could get over this "fear" (since anything is possible) for lack of a better term, and probably drive without issue, but I have no interest to even if I could. Sometimes I feel like a selfish prick for having to have people give me a lift now and then, I try to make up for it by buying lunch or paying for gas and such. And my boss has said he has no problem coming to get me anytime for work which is really nice (I must be doing something right at my job lol).

Is there anyone else out there that understands or has experienced this? :-? Just wondering if I'm all alone.


Well-Known Member
hop on my ATV and drive the trails out town (ironically I have no problem on my fourwheeler)
When I was a kid, I had a little dune buggy and I drove that thing a lot. It helped me a bunch to learn how to drive. A car is almost the same thing but just bigger! If you weren't scared, you would have no problem, you already have the driving experience from the ATV. No need to be afraid to drive man. Now it's like breathing to me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was scared about driving, i didn't want to do it and avoided opportunities then i got a good teacher who showed me why i was so put off by driving, which was that i didn't know how to drive on roads propperly, and showed me the error of my ways. Problem solved.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
most people can't drive when they get their licience. i got mine when i was 17. i was a city kid who never drove a car til driving school, never drove a fourwheeler or anything besides a 12 speed.

the driving school lady distracted the hell out of the state trooper who gave the driving test. she kept asking him about the wife and kids and before we knew it the test was over. he was turned to the backseat most of the time. if he was paying attention i would have flunked hard.

i learned to drive AFTER i got the licience. just go to an empty parking lot and get ballsy and you'll have a feel for it in no time. or if you're a real puss just drive around slow with the hazards on lol. at some point you just obtain a feel for it.


Well-Known Member
During my test my instructor flipped out on me and started going bat shit. looking back on it i bet that was a test to see how you handel stressful moments.


Well-Known Member
nothing to be scared of i just got in the car my brother gave me and taught my self your get use to it


Ursus marijanus
Duct-tape some pillows to the corners. It might not help in case of a collision, but folks will be rreeaall good about not crowding you. cn


Active Member
All good points and you're probably all right. Just need to find a decent teacher and get it done. What I hate is everyone constantly asking me if I got it yet and what my problem is, as if it's any of their business, and they're not even people I ask anything of! Just former classmates and random ass people around town. It's so irritating it almost pushes me further away from getting it done.


Well-Known Member
All good points and you're probably all right. Just need to find a decent teacher and get it done. What I hate is everyone constantly asking me if I got it yet and what my problem is, as if it's any of their business, and they're not even people I ask anything of! Just former classmates and random ass people around town. It's so irritating it almost pushes me further away from getting it done.
They do that to you because there are people that can BARELY even drive and still got their licenses somehow. It's really easy. Your making it harder then it really is. You easily drive your ATV, so you should have no problem doing it.


Well-Known Member
All good points and you're probably all right. Just need to find a decent teacher and get it done. What I hate is everyone constantly asking me if I got it yet and what my problem is, as if it's any of their business, and they're not even people I ask anything of! Just former classmates and random ass people around town. It's so irritating it almost pushes me further away from getting it done.
i never got my lic. but i still be whellin fuck it


Active Member
Yea they only ask because it's ridiculously easy. Think of it this way, there are asian women who are driving. Surely you are a better driver than them.


Active Member
man i dont drive as there is enuf cars on the road as it is ethics stop me i use public transport always have i sometimes gat lifts from friends in return for my time as i am awsome smiley face most of my friends and family live at other side of the city but i work just over the road from my house i like to walk most places any ways have you ever thought of geting a horse
as i live in a city there is not alot of places i can keep one the co2 from one has to be little to none be one with the planet smile face


Well-Known Member
I was terrified to drive, I used to have this nightmare when I was little that me and an adult would be driving in the car and then suddenly the adult would disappear and it would be up to me to drive the car down some crazy horrifyingly twisted road...and I would have this dream from time to time...I could ride a bike, and anything with handlebars...but if it had a steering wheel I would panic...even as a child...anyway so I just didn't want to ever get my license, but I had to...and really once I took driver's ed and learned a little more I wasn't as afraid...and each time I drove I was a little less afraid, til after a couple weeks of driving it was old news and felt like I had been doing it my whole should try is a good thing to have...that way you can be self reliant and not need anyone for a ride