Trashed plants... literally


Well-Known Member
So long story short... A mad gf is capable of many things. I have two young plants grown indoors that spent 12 hours in our outside trash can. Did not even think we're salvageable. But, I have planted them back into there pots, and although they are looking VERY rough, they ate gonna make it I think. Still a large amount of root growth attached. The stalk and small branches got high stress trained lol they are about to go back into the cab. Time for them to show what they are capable of! I wanted y'all to see them before.. Just the big two are the ones that got trashed. ( only about 9 inches)

The last pic is of two that just got transplanted, and 4 that started germ tonight... Tweeking a few things as I get a perpetual personal grow in systematic order.

Felling hopeful, but reasonably optimistic!

Please, spare me the replies on girlfriend advice, thank you in advance.



Well-Known Member
Dude, if she was mad enough to throw your plants in a trash can she's cunt enough to call the cops and rat you out. Think about what you are doing and the repurcussions.


Well-Known Member
Gave up on one but the other bounced back without too heavy of setbacks. The roots weren't ALL there but I had the main cluster plus a lil.


Well-Known Member
A while ago I yanked a plant out of the dirt to throw it out, knocked all the dirt off the roots and tossed in in the garbage. I realized a couple hours later that I just should have put it in my greenhouse... I fetched it out of the trash, replanted it and it's 3 feet tall now. I'll post a pick when its light out tomorrow. They're tough plants. Yours will do fine.

Sent from Northern Colorado.