Tree Top Trials & Chemo


Active Member
Hey RIU, this will be my first documented grow so bear with me =)

This journal will follow the lives of my first outdoor babies, and my two flowering chemo plants. (There will be pictures as soon as my lights come on)

I just moved two small plants to their resting place at the top of a 30-40 foot tree. It is a bit late in the season to move them outdoors but these babies are a trial of potatomon's treetop grow, I love them anyways, big or small.

They are bagseed ( possible summertime buddha ), and about 3 inches tall and have been growing for 1 1/2 weeks under cfls.

I'll update with photo's from that in a weeks time but till then here's a little bit on my indoor mama's.

As they were acquired as clones from a friendly stranger who inherited them the same way in his time, I will never know if this is the elusive U.B.C Chemo, or Jordan of the Islands Chemo. They are 2 females, 2 1/2 weeks into 13/11. Both coming out large and in charge, apart from a bit of stretching on one... but she's special (re vegged)

All this writing with no pictures must get boring so i'll get on the camera and snap a few tomorrow.

Well wish me luck RIU, i learned alot from you guys... =)

St. Buddha