Trichocereus transplant advice


Well-Known Member
Any cactus aficionados give me an idea if I should consider transplanting these. Germ'd at beginning of spring, far slower growing than I could have possibly imagined. Trichocereus "legendary matucana" purportedly.

Yeah, I would carefully replant each one in its own small container filled with a more cactus friendly substrate. leave the dirt on what little roots they have, just try and pry them each up like a small clump and replant in sandy cactus soil.

I am not a cactus doctor but it should help.
Yeah, I would carefully replant each one in its own small container filled with a more cactus friendly substrate. leave the dirt on what little roots they have, just try and pry them each up like a small clump and replant in sandy cactus soil.

I am not a cactus doctor but it should help.
^this, cactus are almost always over watered, which causes them to rot from the inside out.put them in loose sandy soil and water them once a month. i water these two aloe plants on the first of the month every month, and leave them alone the rest of the month. they've doubled in size in less than a year, the star aloe is already throwing pups.20211203_163446.jpg20211203_163503.jpg
Thanks for the advice, I'll pick up and pc some soil and transplant them sometime this weekend.
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I've been growing these and San Pedro for years now.. they're slow growing but once they get some size to them they'll grow much faster.. like o.p. said get some cactus potting mix ..