Trichome color and harvesting

Not sure how to word this question so here goes, I know about what color trichomes you should have when it's time to harvest and I know about flushing for a week or so before harvest but if you have a strain that your not sure when it finishes how can you flush a week or so early if your not sure when the trichomes will mature?:confused::confused:


Buy a scope and monitor the changes. Keep a log on the changes till it gets closer to maturity ( I am a new but that's my best guess) sorry if it wasn't helpful


Well-Known Member
Start the flushing when the milky trichs -just- start to appear, if you feel you must. (Only 2 times I'd ever flush though, systemic pesticides, or severe tox) .. watch for milky trichs starting to fill in.. and gauge when it's time based on that. The scopes for a 30-100x at radio shack or other electronics place like that are relatively cheap. They also have a digital USB microscope that goes up to 800x and plugs into USB on the puter for 50 bucks at Newegg, should that interest you.


Well-Known Member

ok a trick from an old miserable fucker to help you

when you look at the plant and the trics are clear the plant twickles and looks bright as a button , its almost wet to look at
however as they mature they go cloudy , when you lok at the plants nugs as a whole and not just a tiny section the plant will look frosty , like a sprinkling of iceing suger has hit it , the plant will still look nice and white but now duller
finally when you hit the maturity level everyone raves about , brown/amber trics ,,,, the plant now has a dirty look to it , like its no longer new and bright but like it needs a clean , this is the stage you chop and experience brings this to you , its also what you use when g/growing , you cant be arse dragging shit loads of stuff out with you so its tricks like this that sort you out

ill also say trics come in all colours so dont take it as gospel there brown and aiming for 30% isnt easy , as long as your in the cloudy stage you will get stoned

cloudy looks nice in pictures

and dirty shitty looking when your at the finish