Trichome density...

Greetings comrades...

Been battling drizzling rain, caterpillars, PH issues, and hard water.
Seems I had nute lockout on one and maybe a little on a few others. Epsom salt seems to have helped.

I've been feeding them well. I used some general purpose veg nutes, but switched over to Fox Farm June 20 with extra K and a bloom booster high P fert.

They are all bag seed and decided its Seed Bank feminized seed identified strain next time. Not knowing maturation rates is troubling. They mostly look like sativas with 1 plant being likely a indica/sativa mix.

I'm not real happy with the trichome density. I'm hoping its still early and they'll fill out a week or 2 before harvest.

Here are a few pics of my girls.

Let me know what you think.




Well-Known Member
Ol' Mother Nature sure knows how to 'improve the breed' occasionally by sending fire, flood, or locusts, to weed out the weak. Only the strong survive!

Welcome & since you know nothing about the strain, you'll pretty much have to just take what comes.

I've had strains that didn't frost-up until the last week, so maybe there's a chance for good trich production yet.

Good Luck, but it looks like you should get some decent smoke from those.

P.S. You might try some MG bloom booster fertilizer.
Hey doublejj,

Well I have not skipped on TLC. I'm fortunate that I live in the boonies and even though I still have them growing off property I can still give them daily attention. I can really understand the importance of knowing the strain. I did have one known strain, an ice, but of course it died for no apparent reason, figures. I'm leaning toward one of the purple strains next year just for fun and looks maybe a white widow too and orange kush. Something about the colors intrigues me.

I believe I am seeing opaque trichomes on the buds I the pics. It seems early, but I'm not sure I want to wait longer than 2 weeks. I'm going to flush with a 1/2tsp of molasses this week and see what things look like then.

I'm confident it'll be decent smoke, I'm just trying to hedge the bet.

Thanks for the support.



Well-Known Member
They have at least 4-6 more weeks....This is one of mine at 3 weeks...I won't touch it a day before October 1

Happy Trails............


Operation 420

Well-Known Member
If you don't have a microscope, I'd suggest getting one. Radio Shack has one for like 12 bucks 60-100x power.

Unless you think you have nute build up, I wouldn't suggest flushing until 2 weeks before harvest. Just feed it bloom nutes and molasses between feedings (1-2 tbs). You want sugar/carbs for resin production.

Like artbud said, you have about 4-6 weeks. Just look at the trichomes.
Good luck :weed: