Trichome harvesting question


Any help would be much appreciated

I am doing my first grow with an aeroponic/NFT set up. My question is about the harvest. I am looking for the trichomes to be

Milky - Head highs, cerebral high (my sativas)
Amber - body high, couch lock (my indicas)
50/50 - (my hybrids)

For all the growers out their, what is the typical time frame for the trichomes to turn from clear to milky....then milky to 50/50.....then 50/50 to full amber?

I know it will probably come down to genetics, im just looking for a general idea of how long to expect the trichome color changes. I am growing just bag seed for my first grow and doing some tinkering with the system to get it down pat before i drop some loot on genetics. The reason I am asking about the trichome colors is, Im thinking about doing some shock ripening to see the outcome. I'm looking at 50/50 and I dont want to go into shock ripening if they all come out to amber.

If this is a stupid question, I apologize. And thanks to everyone who is able to help me out.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a wiseass, but have you tried the search feature? There have been many many posts on this topic, lots of info. Probably a lot more than you'll get in this single thread. There is also a whole forum just for harvesting and curing, so I'm sure you'll find lots of stuff there also. got a good scope?


New Member
Any help would be much appreciated

I am doing my first grow with an aeroponic/NFT set up. My question is about the harvest. I am looking for the trichomes to be

Milky - Head highs, cerebral high (my sativas)
Amber - body high, couch lock (my indicas)
50/50 - (my hybrids)

For all the growers out their, what is the typical time frame for the trichomes to turn from clear to milky....then milky to 50/50.....then 50/50 to full amber?

I know it will probably come down to genetics, im just looking for a general idea of how long to expect the trichome color changes. I am growing just bag seed for my first grow and doing some tinkering with the system to get it down pat before i drop some loot on genetics. The reason I am asking about the trichome colors is, Im thinking about doing some shock ripening to see the outcome. I'm looking at 50/50 and I dont want to go into shock ripening if they all come out to amber.

If this is a stupid question, I apologize. And thanks to everyone who is able to help me out.
cmon man you know how it is your first grow im sure hes read up a ton.

Anyway, It could never happen , especially unlikely with bagseed or any seed for that matter, coming from bagseed you could grow 200 of those plants and only have one phenotype that has significant amber, understand the game you play when you grow from seed, you will need to look for little to no clear trichomes and mostly opaque with some leaning and nice bulbous heads - many phenotypes will not get amber. Consider that when you grow from seed you roll the dice, when you grow from bagseed you roll a dice with many more sides, take your best plants from seed and clone them, good luck.

when to harvest - look for all signs of maturation, its important to understand the science behind the maturation of cannabis, get off these crappy forums and go read some real scientific literature on cannabis.

Look for the calyx to be swollen, hairs to recede and change color, no clear trichomes.

If u want a basic guide just give it 10 weeks and you should be where u need to be its basically as good as it gets with a hybrid, if its sativa well give it 12-14 weeks then call it a day and get some new plants in there to make you some more bud.