Tricks up your sleeve to further delay drying?


Well-Known Member
I dry @ 68-70F & 60-65RH, whole plant (minus Roots), dry trim. Fairly dark but not super dark. Lots of foliage. Still, they’re always dry in 7-8 days. I wanna stretch that to 12-14 days. It will sometimes be difficult for me to reduce ambient temp much.

Any experienced advice for me? Merci beaucoup!
I always do this this dude never had issues, but I water ladies the day before I plan to chop so there fully saturated. Easy adds 3-4 days. Temp humidity air flow needs to be spot on. Also bringing down the temp ( ac unit) will delay also. Depends on bud thickness too tho. l dried in a cold garage with a heater and took 3 weeks, was super smooth smoke.
Are they dry dry by then or just appearing dry? Ive noticed that "really dry" while drying isnt necessarily dry. Your moisture pulls backs from the stem outward as you cure. It always comes back. It is weird your leaving all foliage and getting there so quickly still i will say
Hang whole plant in a black plastic garbage bag with opening to bag facing down
Hanging that way they will hold the plants moisture but be careful the bottom is open so they don't mold
after three or four days remove the bags and resume your normal drying method
It will allow you a few extra days of slow drying and is kinda like a pre-cure
Good trick my mind immediately went to the plastic zip up covers or bags they hang garments in. I may give this a go sometime
Are they dry dry by then or just appearing dry? Ive noticed that "really dry" while drying isnt necessarily dry. Your moisture pulls backs from the stem outward as you cure. It always comes back. It is weird your leaving all foliage and getting there so quickly still i will say
Agreed. Peeps feel a bit of crisp on the outside and start panicking so they jar it way too early, i put this down to inexperience. Experienced growers countless grows know that feel of the bud when it’s ready to start cure.
Hang whole plant in a black plastic garbage bag with opening to bag facing down
Hanging that way they will hold the plants moisture but be careful the bottom is open so they don't mold
after three or four days remove the bags and resume your normal drying method
It will allow you a few extra days of slow drying and is kinda like a pre-cure
I’ve seen Ed Rosenthal mention about bags for first few days , can’t remember where I read it :-/
Can you get to 65 degrees?
DoubleAttotheRON, good to “see” ya! I have good but not unlimited environment control in the grow room. Ideally I like to be growing weed there. Sometimes this isn’t so & I dry in the room. Yes - I can do 65F.

My grow is in the basement & it gets warm in the summer with everything running. Here’s a no brainer- basement isn’t currently exhausted to the outdoors. This will help a lot & I’ll exhaust the room at “night” too. I know where I’ll put it - it’ll exhaust under the deck. Will start this project this w/e if things don’t go to shit.

Often I dry in a dark closet with door open a bit. I turn thermostat down a LITTLE, 65-67F.
I always do this this dude never had issues, but I water ladies the day before I plan to chop so there fully saturated. Easy adds 3-4 days. Temp humidity air flow needs to be spot on. Also bringing down the temp ( ac unit) will delay also. Depends on bud thickness too tho. l dried in a cold garage with a heater and took 3 weeks, was super smooth smoke.
I’ve not made a point to chop recently watered girls - I’ll adopt this process pronto.
Hang whole plant in a black plastic garbage bag with opening to bag facing down
Hanging that way they will hold the plants moisture but be careful the bottom is open so they don't mold
after three or four days remove the bags and resume your normal drying method
It will allow you a few extra days of slow drying and is kinda like a pre-cure
That sounds worth trying. What’s your airflow like when you do this?
Are they dry dry by then or just appearing dry? Ive noticed that "really dry" while drying isnt necessarily dry. Your moisture pulls backs from the stem outward as you cure. It always comes back. It is weird your leaving all foliage and getting there so quickly still i will say
Not dry to the point that the buds fall off if I touch them. Dry enough that they come off with a gentle tug. I don’t use clippers.