trim leaves


Well-Known Member

The fan and sun leaves work in concert to capture the most light, chopping them would be like smashing solar panels. The light energy - captured and converted to sugars by the fan leaves - is fed to the buds as needed. The fan leaves also act as nutrient sinks, protecting the buds from nutrient burn and providing nutrients when missing in the root ball. Tuck the leaves, don't snip. Check out the Leaf Pruning / Training and Light chapters in Weed Science.



Well-Known Member
^Agreed. If it had ever proven to help anything, we'd all know about it, and be doing it by now. Not once, have I come across anything indicating an increased yield, by trimming. Yes, I've seen results that were about the same as untrimmed plants, but never any better. IMO, your best bet, is to use some method to spread open the foliage without damaging it, during mid/late flowering. Trimming some of the lowest branches/leaves is okay, as it increases airflow. It doesn't remove any of the plants main power sources,....the fan leaves.