Trimming back large fan leaves

chaosview 0

Active Member
Is it a good idea to trim back large fan leaves? I heard it promotes larger colas and devotes more of the plants enegy to bud production. Also, what leaves should go and which leaves should stay?


Well-Known Member
Im sure your going to hear a hundred times NEVER EVER EVER trim healthy leaves from your plant. The only time i ever do is about a week or two before harvest and thats only if they're severely yellowed out. The marijuana flower cannot produce enough food to continue growth without its larger fan leaves. They're essential.


Well-Known Member
The only exception would be if your in a confined space and one plant is completely overshadowing another healthy plant. Even then i would be very strategic about my cuts.

chaosview 0

Active Member
ok thanks, i have trimmed a couple back because they were overshadowing the other plants. Ill leave the rest for now


Well-Known Member
You can even bend the larger fan leaves down the way, keep doing it and after a while they stay down that way they can still collect light and not shade the buds:peace: