Trimming branches during flowering... your thougts please...


Hello everyone,

I've been on and off this website during every grow and this current cycle has been largely successful and I'm approaching the 14th day of flower... The plants have nearly doubled in size since switching to flower, they're a beautiful green and my experimental topping during veg has been successful thus far - needless to say I am very excited for these girls....

Thoughts: I've always trimmed branches and leaves in the under growth that aren't receiving any light during flower but RECENTLY I was reading about topping during flowering and that it's not recommended because of many factors but most importantly it's because flowering is a very stressful time for the plant and that cutting the plant adds more stress and isn't recommended. So, a part of me still wants to continue hacking off the undergrowth to promote upper growth and proper nutrient travel to the quality branches but a part of me also is wondering if this is creating an unncessary stress on the plant.

Question: Should I be hacking off the undergrowth branches that aren't receiving sunlight?

Appreciate your thougts! Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about anything, but it seems to me that as long as you feed/water as much as necessary that the plant will uptake all the nutrients it needs, regardless of lower growth or not. It'll just uptake more to feed more if you leave lower growth on there...resulting in the need to water more often. Of course, I could be completely wrong...I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
You can but you better hurry. Usually 2 weeks in flower is about the max on chopping. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If you top it during early flower 1-2 weeks the lower branches will shoot upwards and become as tall as the main cola would of been
if your plants are growing vigorously and healthy and are large enough for you to remove the parts that are not as well developed
then that is a good idea, do not worry too much about stress, these plants are very resilient


If you top it during early flower 1-2 weeks the lower branches will shoot upwards and become as tall as the main cola would of been
if your plants are growing vigorously and healthy and are large enough for you to remove the parts that are not as well developed
then that is a good idea, do not worry too much about stress, these plants are very resilient

This is what I was mostly leaning towards.... I've grown for a few years now and have always thought removing branches was fine. I think I will continue to remove branches as it seems necessary


Well-Known Member
i just clean up the lil sprigs that are not ever going to be anything i will cut them off and clone them.. use what u can use and trash the rest... a lot of people say not to remove anything that is not dead during flower BUT as i have come to realize that there are a lot of trolls here and just have nothing better to do then to dissagree with every post they dont like or not liking the answer they read so be careful and do your own background checks on the info received KEEP ON GROWIN..