Trimming Fan Leaves in a closet grow?


I'm in the 5th. week of flowering on my very first grow. It's Cotton Candy in a closet with CFLs (10 42watt 2600s in the flowering section). After two weeks of flowering the vertical growth had slowed way down and the white hairs had been popping up for a couple days. I thought that the big fan leaves were really blocking a lot of light in the closet. So I trimmed off the really big fan leaves. My friend now tells me that is a big no-no, but he doesn't really grow in a closet with limited space. Did I really screw up? The plants look scrawny now, but there are buds all over the place now that they get more light.


Well-Known Member
I share this with anyone who cuts their leaves off.


Nuff said. I know you are in a closet grow but trimming some leaves I think at most would be okay not all of those big fan leaves. When people do these small grows I just wonder if they tried just tucking the leaves or something.


The really big fan leaves are the most efficient photosynthesizers. They aren't really blocking the light, they are absorbing a portion of it, but much of it passes right through the leaf and is also utilized by whatever growth is beneath it. As a rule light gets less intense (exponentially) the further away from the light source it is.

The leaves are producing the majority of the energy that the plant is using to grow the buds. You shouldn't remove any of them, but tuck them aside if you must as balactus recommended, or trim the lower growth off entirely if you're letting plants get too big (do it before forcing flowering). Also, side lighting like a couple CFLs shining from underneath would be another good solution.