Trimming leavies


Active Member
Ive been told by people its a good idea to trim leaves to prevent loss of light . Im now reading thats its a bad idea. Im concerned about my plant its 3 and a half weeks into flower and i trimmed some leaves lately and now reading more into it im worried it will effect my plant and if so how bad will it be effected ?image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg



Well-Known Member
Very generally speaking, each leaf promotes growth to the node it's attached to. However, plants always produce more leaves than they actually need. For "optimal" conditions, it's a good idea to remove excess foliage.

My opinion on YOUR plants? --they're fine, nothing looks shaded or blocked by foliage. Leave it.


Well-Known Member
One of the big grower controversies....Whether or not to trim fan leaves. It's an ongoing debate, but I think most agree it's ok / good to trim some of the bottom leaves.

You didn't go too overboard...They look good! But I wouldn't trim any more off!

What strain?