Trimming Question


I have an Afghan that is on day 30 of flowering. I'm using a 150W HPS light and the leaves overall look great, no browning or dying, however, some of the lower colas the leaves are folding somewhat taco like but folding down not curling up, not getting enough of the light in the midsection as I would like. Overall budding is progressing but I want to know if it is safe for me to remove the older larger fan leaves from mid down to the bottom. Will send current photos in a bit.


col. forbin

Active Member
You'd have no way of knowing the outcome had you not pulled them... so you can't really claim that right?
really dood? really? Ok so if I did not pull them, guess what, the outcome would have been the same. If anything by pulling a few lower fan leaves I achieved getting more light to the lower parts of the plant and increased my yield. Again, I have never had a problem pulling the lower fan leaves. Oh yeah, one time I pulled a fan leave off and a midget jumped out and blew me.


Well-Known Member
really dood? really? Ok so if I did not pull them, guess what, the outcome would have been the same. If anything by pulling a few lower fan leaves I achieved getting more light to the lower parts of the plant and increased my yield. Again, I have never had a problem pulling the lower fan leaves. Oh yeah, one time I pulled a fan leave off and a midget jumped out and blew me.
You shoulda had that midget clean that sand out of your vagina while he was down there...

i've defoliated one of my 4 plants completely in flower and left 3 others with fan leaves, only trimming 2-3 fingers off each fan leaf to expose the lower buds, the plant that was defoliated (except for the top 3-4 fan leafs on the main cola) is yeilding just as much smoke and growth as the plants where i only removed 2-3 fingers from the fans, so pretty much i assume you can remove just the individual fingers, not the whole fan leaf and get the same result meaning i cut 2-3 fingers off each leaf but only on the leaves that were blocking light to lower buds

even the plant where i left only the main cola fan leaves is turning out great, so i don't think removing the fan leaves makes any difference in yeild as i've witnessed the same growth in all 4 of my plants with fingers removed and with only having the top 3-4 main fan leafs