Trimming ?s


So I have 4 plants growing this is only my second grow and my (problem ?) is that my plants are getting really big and bushy. None of the plants from my first grow got very bushy so I didn't have this issue before. One of my buddies that also grows says to cut back the canopy to allow light to penetrate better. But I also have another buddy that says you should never cut anything when they are in Veg. So any and all opinions would be appreciated.....Thanks


Well-Known Member
There is a search function for this site. Any way, there is such a thing a defoliation. BUT my plants have done much better with out. As far as modifying your plant, as far as i understand it should ONLY be done during veg


Well-Known Member
If it's not actually causing problems being big, then just let it be. If it's already untrainable for your space and you know there is no way to control then during flower, then cut it back a bit and flower it a week after. Obviously, cutting them back before flower it's going to negatively affect your yield.