Trimming time, should I buy a cloner?


Active Member
I want to trim my 60 grape ape before I switch to 12/12.

I was thinking I might as well clone them since I will be cutting off allot of the lower branches.

What is the best or prefered methode for masss cloning.

Should I buy a ez cloner or just do the good ol rockwool?

Also Can I just buy some floresent lights from walmart to get them going?
(saw yesterday they hav $9 double 4 ft floresents and 40w bulbs for $6)

thanks in advance for the reply


New Member
4 foot floro's are perfect for clones. Using a cloning gel is a matter of personal preference as they will root with just water if you take precations to ensure a germ free cut on each cone you take. Cleaniness is key. If you have a willow tree near by you can extract your own natural cloning gel from the bark of the tree by boiling a small amount of willow bark in bottled water. Strain bark let cool and use with-in 48hrs. Asprin aids in rooting as well.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever herd of bubbleponics and float cloning.
1. Get a fish tank.
2. A small (20 watt) plant auarium floro
3. Get a fish air pump, 4 large air stones, and air lines.
4. Some reverse osmosis water, liquuid karma, and floralicious grow
5. Styrofoam from a meat pagage ext.
6. Siccors and isoalcohol

step 1) clean everything with the iso

step 2 )poke holes in the styrofoam as close as 1" square

step 3) fill tank 3/4 way with r/o water (for a 5 gal tank) 2 caps of floralicious and 2 caps of liquid karma (about 200 ppm)

step 4) take cuts placing into the floating styrofoam and start the bubbles

As the plants use the water and the water level drops the ppm will remain constint and the plant will grow tords the light keeping them close.

manny clones can be done at one time

