Trimming water leafs


Active Member
I usually go with a no on removing any useful leaves. They are what produces sugars for the plant during photosynthesis so removing them is counterproductive. I only remove yellow or dead leaves to promote air flow.

My two cents worth. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Leave the leaves alone. Only take off dead, dieing and sick leaves. The leaves are just as important as roots for plant health and you don't go around trimming roots unless, 1) You're an idiot, or 2) You want a guaranteed crop failure.


Well-Known Member
your friends a clueless dipshit who will happily lead you on a trail to failure

green means chlorophyll , chlorophyll means energy , energy means plant mass , plant mass means more chlorophyll etc etc , removing leaves is a great way to reduce the plants yields and energys , the only time any leaf should be removed is if its about to fall off dead or late in flower where certain fans obscure light from getting to tops , beyond this your doing yourself a dis-service

any more advise from the brain 2013 then nod and say yes then pop in here and ask to be assured


Active Member
What exactly would you be cutting off at this point? You hardly have any leaves at all...

Whats with the pennies? You know that copper is not good for plants. It actually kills them. A lot of plant poison uses copper oxide as their active ingredient.


New Member
What exactly would you be cutting off at this point? You hardly have any leaves at all...

Whats with the pennies? You know that copper is not good for plants. It actually kills them. A lot of plant poison uses copper oxide as their active ingredient.
He maybe using them to repel bugs. I know copper repels hornworms aka tomato caterpillars


Well-Known Member
Yea it's for slugs n shit someone told me copper wire so I figure pennies is jus as good ya I wasn't going to scut any off jus seeing what you guys think. N how do you think the olants I got are doing? One is getting eatin any idea what it could be I think mites or aphids?


Well-Known Member
I was reading something? That cutting off the new growth promotes more growth in the older leaves or the higher things I think it's called lolly popping? Or something?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
lollipoping would be something one would do to a large plant. ie: when a plant is several feet tall and about to begin flowering, some people remove some of the lower/inner growth that's never going to get much light. Some people say it makes the plant focus it's energy on the upper cola's as well, but I don't know for sure.


Well-Known Member
bigb 420 is spot on

lollipopping is a trimming method to enable the best from a plant at a point in its life , the lower bud sites amount to nothing so to trim them off enables the plant to focus its enbergy on the tops and this is of course where you really really want it to be going

you would never normaily do this to a plant unless the bastards got rather large so its not going to get light worth anything to the lower parts or if the plants smaller but too bushy


Well-Known Member
Oh alright thanks for the input so ppretty much don't fuck with the plant uunless the leaves are dying thn you can cut them
before it goes into flower? Do you guys have any idea why the sprouts haven really grown since they came threw the surface?


Well-Known Member
Oh alright thanks for the input so ppretty much don't fuck with the plant uunless the leaves are dying thn you can cut them
before it goes into flower? Do you guys have any idea why the sprouts haven really grown since they came threw the surface?
give it a week before worrying

a better tip is to take a picture and compare it a week in , at first they seem to be doing nothing and yet they are , a doubling from 1 cm to 2cm isnt going to get noticed ( hence the pics ) where 3 weeks in they double in size and go from bing a happy healthy plant to a pain in the bottom outgrowing the bloody pot demanding water and generally becoming massive , its a perspective thing