Trippy drug myths


Well-Known Member
alright so name all the myths you have heard about our beloved Halllucinatory substances (as long as they're involved it counts) and X pills count cause I know there are alot of esctacy myths (like there is mdma in xtc pills, lol just joking) also trip myths like things you cant do while on it or what ever

I'll start with one I heard way back in highschool

you cant smoke weed when your frying cause you'll die from a poisoness combination.

hahahahaha bunked that myth like 5 minutes later

you can also post rumors myths that you are not sure of and we can bunk or confirm them for you


Well-Known Member
if u take X then have sex, u will never want to have sex again because it just wont be the same anymore


Well-Known Member
smoking weed makes u forget things......................wait what was i saying
I guess this counts cause thc is psychadelic drug or what ever, in the future try to include illicit psycadelics or legal psychadelics that mirror the effects in some way of the illicits :hump::hump::hump::hump:

there is allready a pot myths thread


Well-Known Member
Vitamin C intensifies the high of mushrooms and lactose will take it down. Back when we used to trip that was what folks said. I always fried somethin' fierce oranges or not, and never wanted to stop my trip once I started so I'm not 100% about the lactose. My myth for the day :-)


Well-Known Member
I know there is already a pot myths thread, but this was rediculous..

When I was in elemtry school the D.A.R.E. Officer told me if I smoked Marijuana I would think I could fly and jump off a cliff...I here that about shrooms and LSD (which still isnt true unless your dumb about it..REALLY dumb about it), but not weed.

I think I'll go fly now :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Vitamin C intensifies the high of mushrooms and lactose will take it down. Back when we used to trip that was what folks said. I always fried somethin' fierce oranges or not, and never wanted to stop my trip once I started so I'm not 100% about the lactose. My myth for the day :-)
I have heard this one also and that drinking milk will also slow or end an acid trip.
I Dont know much about the lactate but i think it originated with hoffmans first trip were in his report he wrote

"The lady next door, whom I scarcely recognized, brought me milk in the course of the evening I drank more than two liters. She was no longer Mrs. R., but rather a malevolent, insidious witch with a colored mask. "
but doesn't state that it helped lol


Active Member
avatar is way better darth =)

What about getting "stuck" tripping? I've never seen it...

Pink elephants


Well-Known Member
Neither confirming not denying it. Rather feeding the myth...

My aunt used to work at a nursing home that dealt with a lot of mental problems brought on by drug use. She said there was a 20 something year old kid in there permanently tripping. Not too long after that I read something that said ketamine can do that. I wasn't sure if it was just propaganda though because it was in a pamphlet I took from a police station.


Well-Known Member
Also about the milk one.

Chocolate has lactose in it. How many of you had some kind of chocolate/shroom concoction? I know I have. I still tripped balls.


Well-Known Member
my uncles friend did a bunch of acid then just disappeared for like 8 months, apparently he was in some other town, going by a different name and had a job and shit. then one day just remembered he had this other life, when I told this story to my friend whos a psych major he said its called dissociative amnesia and it can happen. they don't really know what triggers it. but it may just be a myth, he could have got banged on the head or something, and the last place everyone saw him he was tripping balls.


Well-Known Member
my uncles friend did a bunch of acid then just disappeared for like 8 months, apparently he was in some other town, going by a different name and had a job and shit. then one day just remembered he had this other life, when I told this story to my friend whos a psych major he said its called dissociative amnesia and it can happen. they don't really know what triggers it. but it may just be a myth, he could have got banged on the head or something, and the last place everyone saw him he was tripping balls.

also I had a freind who took a grose amount of triple c's and shrooms together and went insane for a month a person i knew personally and can vouch that it did happen no lie, doctors said he may never come back but a month later and he was normal, changed but normal in regards to sanity. I belive that another person I met is still crazy from a Hunter S. Thompson inspired drug debacle, but no teling if he will be permantly like that or if that what really caused it maybe it just makes them relize so much they snap, either way also cant confirm or deny this one
but I still even talk to the first guy, second guy more of an aquantance and cant really vouch for his sanity to begin with.

keep em coming I haven't heard quite a few of these and I know theres more

Two more from me

if you eat the stems on mushrooms you'll die

that the stems have no psilocybin/psilocin


Well-Known Member
albert hoffman rules. im gonna take a moment of silence to honor his name and work for he helped all us trippers to understand ourselves more clearly. RIP