sure as hell looks like thrip larvae
hard to tell though, does it have a pointy tail
That's the saliva from an adult flying around and feasting on your plants and that is a sign that it's a higher odd that you have eggs somewhere now.
Those under the leaf are most likely in one of the second to fourth stages of pupae and will be mature and flying around soon enough if you don't dispatch every single one.
The adults are clever and will hide under the leaf upon you coming near.
Well looks like it went throughHaving trouble uploading pic of bug when I select file, just goes back to site,but with blank screen?
Well looks like it went through
Thrips do not flyThat's the saliva from an adult flying around and feasting on your plants and that is a sign that it's a higher odd that you have eggs somewhere now.
Those under the leaf are most likely in one of the second to fourth stages of pupae and will be mature and flying around soon enough if you don't dispatch every single one.
The adults are clever and will hide under the leaf upon you coming near.
I been spraying Dr. Zymes the past few days. If nothing else it's slowed them down.That's the saliva from an adult flying around and feasting on your plants and that is a sign that it's a higher odd that you have eggs somewhere now.
Those under the leaf are most likely in one of the second to fourth stages of pupae and will be mature and flying around soon enough if you don't dispatch every single one.
The adults are clever and will hide under the leaf upon you coming near.
YepAnd the little black's, are their excrement?
SpinosadHow do you kill these little fuckers
SpinosadI've sprayed some green clean. I'm going to have to fog the whole room ?
If you are able to take the plants out of room and spray them with neem oil I would recommend to go this way. It smells bad but it works like a spell. I do 2litres of lukewarm water with few drops of dishsoap and than add 2ml pure neem oil and spray every 5 days. It takes 2-3 spraying…I've sprayed some green clean. I'm going to have to fog the whole room ?