Tropf Blumat questions


Active Member
Tropf Blumat questions.

I just installed a blumat system.

I have a 3x2x4 cabinet (w x d x h)
I have 4 3gal fabric pots.
Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest
My res is setting on top of the cabinet.
So I would guess it is 3ft higher than the emiters.
I set it up according to the instructions.

One carrot per pot.

After 4 days my water level has not dropped.
Plants still seem a little damp, so I am not sure if they are adjusted correctly.

I have drip pans and my res is only ¼ full (2gal).
I think I my be to worried about a runaway?

Any suggestions?
They do not drip constantly. When your mix begins to dry out the root system sort of pulls on the carrots to get moisture. Usually the mistake is that you adjust the valves to increase drip flow again but then you end up with puddles on the floor the next day. Set the drip so there is a drop falling every 3-5 secs....sounds easier than it is. Leave it alone for a few days and adjust as needed but once it is properly set it should run automatically for weeks at a time. Just don’t ever let it run dry or you will need to soak the carrots and reset the entire system again.
They do not drip constantly. When your mix begins to dry out the root system sort of pulls on the carrots to get moisture. Usually the mistake is that you adjust the valves to increase drip flow again but then you end up with puddles on the floor the next day. Set the drip so there is a drop falling every 3-5 secs....sounds easier than it is. Leave it alone for a few days and adjust as needed but once it is properly set it should run automatically for weeks at a time. Just don’t ever let it run dry or you will need to soak the carrots and reset the entire system again.
You mentioned to set the drip so that you get a drop every 3-5 seconds.
Are you talking about the initial setup, where the instructions say the "hanging drip"

Should I open the valve one mark, or 1/2 mark?
You talk about adjust as needed.
Like open the valve a bit?
It can take a week to properly adjust and calibrate. I find myself watch snd adjusting every 12 hours or so till perfect moisture levels are locked. Also .... I would for sure use more like 3 or definitely 2 carrots per 3 gallon.
You mentioned to set the drip so that you get a drop every 3-5 seconds.
Are you talking about the initial setup, where the instructions say the "hanging drip"

Should I open the valve one mark, or 1/2 mark?
You talk about adjust as needed.
Like open the valve a bit?
Yes that’s the idea...3-5 sec per drop is pretty much a “hanging“ drip. You want to see a drip just about to fall all the time but when your soil is on the wet side there could be no drips falling at all. Like green machine is saying you have to adjust it once or twice daily at the start but you’ll get to the point you know by the weight of the container if your blumats are working properly or not. Multiple carrots per container are easier to regulate than just one.