Trouble with seedlings


Active Member
Hey guys,
So im new to growing, its only been about 3 weeks. i found a decent amount of seeds in a bag that i was given and decided to germ them. It was medium grade cannabis that the seeds came from. 7 of them sprouted and are alive. They were planted in an assortment of solo cups and other small plastic cups, in miracle grow potting soil.

I have noticed that EVERY plant has turned a brownish yellowish color to some extent. Some damage is worse than other but im just wondering what may have caused this. Im assuming its the SHIT MG soil i chose to plant them in, and has something to do with nutrient imbalance/burn. Some look dramatically better than others, and im just hoping the ones in better shape turn out to be female.

The best looking one below is very short and compact, not stretched at all being under around 300 Watts of CFL 2700K (not ideal for veg im aware). Im wondering why there is almost no spacing between nodes? Does it just have to do with strain/pheno/conditions? Im a newb for sure. IMG_4917.jpgIMG_4918.jpgIMG_4919.jpgIMG_4920.jpgIMG_4921.jpgIMG_4912.jpg


Well-Known Member
Most definetley is the MG. Also make sure you are watering properly, wait till it is dry and then drench it, don't just spray around the base of the seedling.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it could be a problem with the MG soil burning the young tender roots of your plants. I like to use soil that has not had nutes added. The young seedlings contain everything they will need for the first week or 2 of life. Only then should nutes be added and only small amounts. Always start with 1/4 dose or less. BBbubblegum has the right idea about watering. Let the soil be dry to the touch before watering. Also could be a ph problem. Do you test your water? What is the ph? It should fall somewhere between 5.5-6.5. I would get some good coco coir or some spangnum peat to start seeds next time to avoid these problems. Good Luck Dude


Active Member
Hey, it could be a problem with the MG soil burning the young tender roots of your plants. I like to use soil that has not had nutes added. The young seedlings contain everything they will need for the first week or 2 of life. Only then should nutes be added and only small amounts. Always start with 1/4 dose or less. BBbubblegum has the right idea about watering. Let the soil be dry to the touch before watering. Also could be a ph problem. Do you test your water? What is the ph? It should fall somewhere between 5.5-6.5. I would get some good coco coir or some spangnum peat to start seeds next time to avoid these problems. Good Luck Dude
I recently ordered FF nutrients, and have read a lot about not killing the plants the first few weeks and going 1/4-1/2 doses. Also, in another week or two i plan on transplanting all into 2 or 3 larger containers with OF happy frog organic soil. Whats your best suggestion on watering/dosing nutrients after the transplant (given it doesnt stress them out TOO much..)? I will also have to check the ph out, could be a problem, and most likely is.Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Bertalucci wrote: I would get some good coco coir or some spangnum peat to start seeds next time to avoid these problems.
Spagnum peat has a ph of around 3...regular peat ph 6 is much better. And many many people have seedling difficulties in coco. Buy a good mild seedling mix specifically designed for seed starting.


New Member
Although i cant give information on dosing with ff nutrients, i'd recommend transplanting those poor guys out of that mg no more then a week. As long as you dont damage the roots, they will be much happier in better soil. I would never dare to plant anything edible in mg nor would i ever want to inhale anything grown from it either. Thats just my opinion however.