Trump Nominates Sam Clovis, a Dude Who is Not a Scientist, to be Department of Agriculture's Top Sci


Well-Known Member

President Donald Trump managed to sneak a few minutes from his busy schedule of threatening federal investigators to make official his nominee for the United States Department of Agriculture’s top scientific position on Wednesday. Given the tough choice between filling the role with scientist or someone who is not a scientist, the president boldly decided to go the latter route....

greg nr

Well-Known Member
It's simple. A scientist wouldn't allow a program to move forward to disperse pollen from genetically modified cannabis which would introduce serious illness if consumed.

A political hack would.

And that is something sessions would approve of. I'm not saying it is an actual program, just an extreme. There are far less extreme policies that would make certain companies rich if implemented, but which a real scientist might oppose.


Well-Known Member

President Donald Trump managed to sneak a few minutes from his busy schedule of threatening federal investigators to make official his nominee for the United States Department of Agriculture’s top scientific position on Wednesday. Given the tough choice between filling the role with scientist or someone who is not a scientist, the president boldly decided to go the latter route....
He sure has a pretty mouth.


Well-Known Member

President Donald Trump managed to sneak a few minutes from his busy schedule of threatening federal investigators to make official his nominee for the United States Department of Agriculture’s top scientific position on Wednesday. Given the tough choice between filling the role with scientist or someone who is not a scientist, the president boldly decided to go the latter route....
Jaysus, that guy looks like Boss Hogg


Well-Known Member
The OPs title suggests we've only had 'scientists' until now (thereby taking a shot at Trump). and that may well be, BUT, for more than 20 years Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, the use/implementation of genetically modified crops sprayed with all kinds of toxic, poisonous chemicals has increased. Farmers are taken to court for not using GM seeds. Most cannot afford to fight Big Agri

Most following this thread should know the importance of microbes, and soil amendments to enhance crop quality (and minimize attraction to pests), and yet they are not being used by Big Agri , instead it's GMOs, which were supposedly scientifically engineered to reduce/replace pesticides, insecticides

My conclusion, how much worse could he be?


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