Trumps last days in office


Well-Known Member
Let's say Biden wins and Trump tries everything to stall the end of his dictatorship in January. But none of it works and he gets ultra desperate. What is in the realm of possibility that he could do in those last days in office?
Let's say Biden wins and Trump tries everything to stall the end of his dictatorship in January. But none of it works and he gets ultra desperate. What is in the realm of possibility that he could do in those last days in office?
Awe, you know. Everybody knows.
War? Is it start a war?

I always thought that it is a act of congress to start a war. He might be able to bomb some people and get his cult to hurt some people with a temper tantrum, spend a lot of taxpayer money in his hotels and jet fuel.

And I think that the military has something to say about the laws of what they can do.

He could do something like Tariff countries up to 25% that we are not in trade agreements with. I think any higher and congress has to approve.

Any war is on the idiots leading other countries, if they trigger one by invading a NATO ally, it is game over on getting out of this attack by Russia without a hot war.

At least that is the way it looks to me from what has caused wars in the past.

But at any time Congress could just pull the pursestrings and the executive branch would be nothing but Trump tweeting.
Let's say Biden wins and Trump tries everything to stall the end of his dictatorship in January. But none of it works and he gets ultra desperate. What is in the realm of possibility that he could do in those last days in office?

i think for all his bluster, he will simply leave; the lame duck is for the transition and Biden's team who are experienced will transition him out ie force him and Melania to leave through the calendar. they will start to arrange dates such as moving vans in and out. they kind of did it to Jackie Kennedy.

he has no where to go and has even said so himself last night when asking to 'be loved'.
He will not care about the country the closer Jan 20th (I think) comes along. He will think survival, he needs to stay out of jail, out of court. He can not have his name tarnished as that is his only worth. Wonder how much Pardons will go for? Any rich guys or their kids in jail?
lol I thought my mind was blown in the other thread, that is something I am just floored by the thought of. He could easily get out of debt doing that I bet. Shit I can think of a certain Saudi prince that might just clear his debt if Barr could arrange him to land on American soil, get charged, get pardoned, and fly back home.
Dismantle the FBI, decapitate the DOJ, fire all US federal prosecutors and close their offices, give blanket pardons to every criminal serving federal time to sow confusion and chaos in the legal and justice systems.

He won't pardon any potential witnesses against him and he can only commute a sentence once it has been imposed by the courts. Self pardons won't work, but if he wants to believe it, fine, I doubt he will even pardon family members before he goes.

If he loses the TV news shows he watches will be full of expert speculation on his legal fate, it won't be good, Donald is facing a slew of state and federal indictments and a million lawsuits. Donald will go nuts when he realizes he's gonna be America's biggest loser in an orange jumpsuit with all his assets stripped away shortly after the new year. Never corner a rat and this rather large rat is cornered, I expect the fur will fly.
he will attempt to enact as much policy as he can that will make it easier to enrich himself and his friends after he leaves office.
If you look at Dump's life he has stalled and exhausted every legal recourse as long as possible in every case

I see no reason he will do anything character

GRAB ON it is going to get ugly

for someone who never plans his day? he just shows to the office and lets things unfold using his keen gut instinct? that's what he says but in reality he's just an opportunist grifter. the first question in his mind is 'what's in it for me?' and then goes from there which is why he's so unsuccessful..there is no plan and never was- just an illusion.

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Piss Poor Planning Promotes Piss Poor Performance. Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
If you look at Dump's life he has stalled and exhausted every legal recourse as long as possible in every case

I see no reason he will do anything character

GRAB ON it is going to get ugly
It depends on the results of the election, a big loss and he will roll over and die, whining all the time. If he can cause trouble in a close election he will and the republicans will support him, but it will be through court challenges and it will have to be real close for that. I figure they will arrest him or serve him in Mar Logo, provided he can't run overseas, but his options are limited to "shit hole" countries. He owes the Russians billions and will cost them hundreds of billions more in seized assets, so Russia might be out and immigrating to Mexico would be ironic!

His armed supporters are mostly disorganized morons with no plan and no large scale command structure. Standing in front of ballot drop off boxes wearing a MAGA hat and armed to the teeth will do no good either and could get them killed real quick.
I think Trump will flip on anyone and everyone on his way down. His personal reality show needs a big finally.

Yep, he already publicly ratted out Barr and Pompeo among others to the media during the Ukrainian scandal and subsequent impeachment. This was a confession of a major criminal conspiracy by the POTUS and the naming of cabinet members as parties to it, it might explain some of Barr's desperation.

A Biden Landslide? Some Democrats Can’t Help Whispering
Democrats are still haunted by the ghosts of 2016. But some are allowing themselves to contemplate a Biden victory big enough to reorder the nation’s politics.

MACON, Ga. — President Trump held a rally in Georgia on Friday, 18 days before the November general election. It wasn’t a good sign for him.

That Mr. Trump is still campaigning in what should be a safely Republican state — and in others that should be solidly in his column like Iowa and Ohio — is evidence to many Democrats that Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s polling lead in the presidential race is solid and durable. Mr. Trump spent Monday in Arizona, too, a state that was once reliably Republican but where his unpopularity has helped make Mr. Biden competitive.

For some Democrats, Mr. Trump’s attention to red states is also a sign of something else — something few in the party want to discuss out loud, given their scars from Mr. Trump’s surprise victory in 2016. It’s an indication that Mr. Biden could pull off a landslide in November, achieving an ambitious and rare electoral blowout that some Democrats think is necessary to quell any doubts — or disputes by Mr. Trump — that Mr. Biden won the election.

On one level, such a scenario is entirely plausible based on the weeks and the breadth of public polls that show Mr. Biden with leads or edges in key states. But this possibility runs headlong into the political difficulties of pulling off such a win, and perhaps even more, the psychological hurdles for Democrats to entertain the idea. Many think that Mr. Trump, having pulled off a stunning win before, could do it again, even if there are differences from 2016 that hurt his chances.

This much is clear: Landslide presidential victories have become rare — the last big one was in 1988, and a more modest one in 2008 — and Mr. Trump is still ahead of or running closely with Mr. Biden in many of the states he won in 2016 when the margin of error is factored in.

Democrats see flipping states like Texas and Georgia as key to a possible landslide; Texas hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1976, and Georgia since 1992. A New York Times and Siena College poll published on Tuesday found Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump tied among likely voters in Georgia.

“Until Democrats win a statewide election, we’re not a purple state,” said Brian Robinson, a Republican political consultant in Georgia. “We may be a purpling state. But until they win, this is a red state.”

It is just such a historic rout of Mr. Trump that some Democrats increasingly believe is necessary to send a political message to Republicans, a moral one to the rest of the world, and serve a key logistical purpose: getting a clear Electoral College winner on Nov. 3, rather than waiting for an extended ballot counting process.

To many, a commanding victory that sweeps Democrats to control of the Senate as well would set the stage for a consequential presidency, not just one that evicts Mr. Trump.

“What they’re going to need in order to move the country forward is to demonstrate that a ton of people are with him and are aligned with his agenda,” said María Teresa Kumar, chief executive officer at Voto Latino, a voter mobilization group that has endorsed Mr. Biden. “That the people want to address climate change in a big bold way. They want to address health care in a big bold way. And they want to address education in a big bold way.”

She added: “The only way to make Republicans find a spine is if this is a massive turnout election.”

For a party still traumatized by the ghosts of 2016, overconfidence or overreach are the last things most Democrats feel or want to project.

“This race is far closer than some of the punditry we’re seeing on Twitter and on TV would suggest,” read a memo last week from Mr. Biden’s campaign manager, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon. “In the key battleground states where this election will be decided, we remain neck and neck with Donald Trump.”

But even some Republicans have begun talking about a possible drubbing in a second Blue Wave that would power Mr. Biden to a huge Electoral College victory and help Democrats retake the Senate.

Last week, one Republican, Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, warned constituents of a possible “Republican blood bath” in November, earning the ire of the president in the process. The conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch has told friends he expects Mr. Biden to win in a landslide, according to a published report he did not deny.

Mr. Biden’s campaign has also stepped up travel and investment in states that were expected to be out of reach for Democrats — sending Jill Biden to Texas, and scheduling events for Senator Kamala Harris and her husband in Georgia and Ohio, before a staffer tested positive for coronavirus and her travel schedule was limited.

But perhaps the biggest sign of an expanded Democratic map is the signals coming out of the Trump campaign as he finds himself in places like Macon rather than trying to expend resources in states Hillary Clinton won in 2016.

The subtle shift in thinking among some Democrats — that the goal for Election Day should not only be to defeat Mr. Trump but do so by a large margin — is about setting the tone for the post-Trump era.

A crushing Electoral College victory, the thinking goes, would deliver an unmistakable rejection of Mr. Trump’s political brand and minimize the impact of Mr. Trump’s rhetorical war against mail-in ballots and any attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the election.

Mr. Biden, a cautious moderate, without the limitless charisma of President Obama, who has portrayed himself as more a transitional figure than a transformative one, might seem an unlikely figure to produce a political tsunami. He has balked at progressive litmus test issues such as the Green New Deal or expanding the number of Supreme Court justices.
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