Trunk split in half!Help please.


Hey guys, Today when I got home, I checked on my plant(Day 18 of flower), It looked very clustered at the canopy so i tried pulling the main branches apart by just a little, and the trunk split in the middle, it didn't got all the way through just a small split, if i tape it and just leave her alone, will she recover?


Well-Known Member
its ok its ok it hapens to me all the time all i do is i get a wet paper towel and tape it around the split it always works for me and in about 1 month or so it will start healing it self u might be harvest by then. i have had a few bad breaks and i am always shocked that the plant still lives and thrives :)


its ok its ok it hapens to me all the time all i do is i get a wet paper towel and tape it around the split it always works for me and in about 1 month or so it will start healing it self u might be harvest by then. i have had a few bad breaks and i am always shocked that the plant still lives and thrives :)
Thank you :) Hopefully it will heal, do you know if the split will effect my flower time at all?


Well-Known Member
it doent effect mine it depends how much ur plant is effected by it it could shock it for a few days in thery but i never notice a differnce. first time i snaped one i freaked out it ended up being some of the best i harvested that crop and it broke just before flower. no joke it was the plant with the most tricomes to my suprise but that was probably just a conincedince


Well-Known Member
Yeah tape it up tight put some honey on the wound I split an outdoor one trying to lst it had split completely in half about a foot and half long split put some honey and wrapped it tight in plastic its all healed up now less than a month later


Active Member
if you taped it up or tied it, it should be fine...i had one of my two tops break in the middle of flowering, and that top ended up being bigger than the other...all i did was tape it back was only holding on by the bark too...


Well-Known Member
The "tape" I used is a stretchable floral tape it has no stick to it just works off the stretching pressure you put into it I use it for my lst now to it is easy on the plant but yeah weed is pretty amazing how well it can repair itself happy growing.


The "tape" I used is a stretchable floral tape it has no stick to it just works off the stretching pressure you put into it I use it for my lst now to it is easy on the plant but yeah weed is pretty amazing how well it can repair itself happy growing.
Thank you, I'm currently using some black electrical tape for the bottom of the trunk and using honey on the split :)