Trunk5's 400watt stealth grow cab. Lots of Pics..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys recently new here and always wanted to do a plant or two for personal use but never took the time out to try, well i did once but it turned out to be a fish tank full of hermies and yeah they got the axe never to be brought up untill now. well ever since reading your guys posts and seeing how helpful everyone is i decided to find sumthing that was like what i wanted to make. and i came across AKDAZE's grow closet and how he built it.

so i begun buying wood and the supplies to build a smaller replica of what he made and this is what i came up with. it is 23'' wide x 32'' deep x 63'' tall. basicly high enough to fit under a closet shelf and hangar pole.

for ventilation im useing a hp 132watt pc power supply wired up to turn on when its pluged into the wall, its quite simple and i have pictures to show hows its done. this runs 3 80mm fans and 2 120mm fans with no problem i might add a few more to make sure my light hood stays cool and for further circulation inside the cab. 2 of the 80mm pull fresh air into the bottom cab and the 3rd 80mm draws air from the bottom and pulls it up top where the 120mm fan is sucking the air out and pushing it into one of thoes $5 carbon filters that was a write up on here works great for now ill know more later down the line. the other 120mm fan is pulling air thru the 6'' duct's that cool my mh/hps light hood.

for lighting im am useing two cfl 2footers on the top for basicly sprouting seed and maintain clones untill they root. then they will go to the bottom where the 400watt mh/hp light is im not looking for a continual harvest but one every few months is fine with me because like i said this is only for personal use. my cycle is going to be 18/6 then switch to 12/12.

im useing FFOF and LightWarior soil for my medium becase this will be my first true grow and will be much a learning exp, also i hear thats good to go with mixed 50/50 with a little perlite. i was thinking of useing the sensi 2 part nutes and grabing some ph up and ph down for the water and what not. also need to grab a thermomitor / hydromiter and my pots/trays. all this im grabing tomarrow morning when i cash my check.

the seeds that i am germing are mostly bag seeds from NYCD and one of the Skunk plants i just dont rember what number the guy said it was i guess thats a good thing hehe. but yes a few started cracking this morning and showing there little tap roots. so i for sure need to get to the hydro shop in the morning to finish off this little project.

but yes thank you for looking. questions and comments are all welcome. and thank you guys for all the knowlege in one place. now with further adoo here are the pics, i hope.



Well-Known Member
wow 30+ views and not a single comment.. thanks guys :( well im off to the store to pick up the rest of my goodies ill post pics of what im picking up when i get home.. later.


Well-Known Member
wow 30+ views and not a single comment.. thanks guys :( well im off to the store to pick up the rest of my goodies ill post pics of what im picking up when i get home.. later.

Nice work so far, i could not get any comments on mine either! :cuss: oh well..ill comment

nice work! looking forward to seeing more.



Well-Known Member
hey would u mind posting a pic of your box all put together? i know you have a bunch all zoomed in but i am interested in a full open shot.


Well-Known Member
how strong are your fans cfm wise?

i got a 400watt light in a set up a lil bigger than yours and it gets pretty damn hot sometimes

and thats with a 172cfm fan pulling air through a carbon filter then through my light then out the box

but nice setup man it looks real clean


Well-Known Member
Nice work so far, i could not get any comments on mine either! :cuss: oh well..ill comment

nice work! looking forward to seeing more.

definately loving the setup trunk. keep posting. im lookin foward to watchin this progress.:weed:
Thank you guys, but its gunna take some time for me to get everything right.

hey would u mind posting a pic of your box all put together? i know you have a bunch all zoomed in but i am interested in a full open shot.
yes sir ill get one for you tomorrow when i get up.

how strong are your fans cfm wise?

i got a 400watt light in a set up a lil bigger than yours and it gets pretty damn hot sometimes

and thats with a 172cfm fan pulling air through a carbon filter then through my light then out the box

but nice setup man it looks real clean
thank you and the 120mm are only around 87cfm, the 80mm less then that i think around 50sumthin. yeah my light heats up alot i need to grab another fan for the light so it has one on the intake and exhaust. ill have a digital therm/hydro in like a day to get exact readings of temp but it was about 87 after 30 min but that was on one of thoes heat sensitive color strips and it was next to the light hood about an inch away just above the light line. ill have it all figured out befor they go down to that part.

Ok guys now is where i need to ask a question or two for now. i have my germed seeds with about a 1/2 inch tap root that i put into rapid rooter plugs. now the bag says to put the seed/cutting in the plug add a little water blah blah then throw it under a cfl for constant 24hours. my question is when do i stop this process? after they have nice roots and im ready to transplant right?.. i have six of them in the plugs and ill only need 4 once they grow up.. also sumthing that made me cringe and im unsure of but as i was putting the germed seeds in the rooter plugs on one of the tap roots snaped in half will it recover? it was just a small part of it but idk. lets say a little sumthing like this "o---/--".. like i said ill only need 4 of them so if it dosent make it i wont be too down about it.

now for a few pics.. more tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
I dont think that snapped tap root will recover :-( anytime i have ever even touched a tap root they did not make it, but try anyways......but yeah you will leave them in their a good 10-days....keep soil moist but not swamp like...i personally like peat soak them in water, they are filled with peat in a nylon bag...drop seed in....walla, see roots at bottom then put them in soil......You will want to acclimate them into the stronger light though....

nice job overall, you will want more circulation...more the better, i have to change my set up around slightly for this reason also.



Well-Known Member
instead of using the ph up and down...soak your rooters in bottle spring water with some ST...and a few drops of peroxide.


Well-Known Member
I dont think that snapped tap root will recover :-( anytime i have ever even touched a tap root they did not make it, but try anyways......but yeah you will leave them in their a good 10-days....keep soil moist but not swamp like...i personally like peat soak them in water, they are filled with peat in a nylon bag...drop seed in....walla, see roots at bottom then put them in soil......You will want to acclimate them into the stronger light though....

nice job overall, you will want more circulation...more the better, i have to change my set up around slightly for this reason also.

thank you, yeah i didnt think that it was going to make it but you never know, ill leave it in there for a few days see what happens. yeah these rooter plugs came in the day i bought them so they were preaty damn moist already i just added 2 eye dropers of water each to get them slightly wetter.

instead of using the ph up and down...soak your rooters in bottle spring water with some ST...and a few drops of peroxide.
i was going to buy some spring water this week but for now i have to make due with what i have and my tap water has a ph of 8 after sitting out.

thank you guys for all the info it is much appreciated, now it is time to go make some coffee.


Well-Known Member
dude +rep for building ur own grow tent/room. you startin a journal with this??
thank you. you guys are truly responsible for all this. all the info and research came from this website. as for starting a journal ill get around to it once i get this cab set up to how i want it and get everything to a T.
And please if you guys see sumthing that needs changing let me know all advise/criticisms welcome.. thank you again!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i just checked on them about 10 min ago. the one with the cracked tap root continued to grow so i think it should be ok. i had another seed pop its tap root so i threw it in a rooter plug and put it in with the rest so now there are 7. i also took the dome off the tray and moved the cfl's closer. here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
ow cum u took the dome off so early. i thought if you do tht so early, you risk drying them. what's the temps like?


Well-Known Member
the temp in the box is only like 70-74 tops in the top half in the bottom with the light on it reaches like 87+ so i need to grab another fan for the light hood befor i throw them under the mh light. i only lowered the light for now while im home ill raise it back up and put the dome on again tonight befor i go to sleep. im checking moisture twice a day and give them an eye droper full of water once a day. that = about 10-15 drops of water each. but yes thank you for the advise to watch them from drying out i will keep my eye on it.


Well-Known Member
nice man.. looks like u got it covered.
thank you, but im sure im far from having it covered.

anyway i know i should probably move this to the journal section soon but ill do it once i transplant. i woke up to them poped up about a 1/4 inch this morning. it has only been 2 days under the cfl's. here are a few pics.



Well-Known Member
lukin nice. put a link to the journal. you're gona have leaves perkin up soon ;). any news on the flower room. how's that set up going?


Well-Known Member
lukin nice. put a link to the journal. you're gona have leaves perkin up soon ;). any news on the flower room. how's that set up going?
well actuly this small room with the cfl's i only want to use for getting seeds and cuttings started. then put them on the bottom to veg under the mh then switch the light to hps for flowering.i just got my thermomitor lastnight so im gunna fire up the bottom and get a accurate temp reading and try to cool it down just a touch more, i basicly need my second fan for the light hood.

anyway woke up this morning just to take a peek at them, and i was like woah! now i have a big question.. should i put them in soil now befor the roots start jutting out everyware or does it look like i should wait another day??? the soil im useing is fox farm OF and there light warior mixed 50/50.. thank you guys. also this will be day 4 of them under the cfl's being on 24hours. if you guys need a better pic of them let me know..

ok i started a journal

