Trying to extract crude from Acacia with IPA!

Organic Toker

Active Member
Dear all, a foaf have been trying to extract DMT with Mimosa (he thinks so) root bark and Acacia stem bark.

He said he tried A/B method, burned his throat (maybe too much lye/acid in product) and the STB method. The in availability to use a non polar solvent has led him to try the extraction with IPA. He said if it has any contents. it will be pulled by the IPA. Like he was making hash oil.

He thinks he is smart and I agree sometimes. But isn't dmt too little to be extracted that way.

Here are few pics of what he did and obtained.


He thinks it's jungle spice.

25gm dried and powdered bark
200ml Iso propyl alcohol.

Soaked in alcohol and kept warm (40-60 DEGREES).
Filtered and the filtrate was kept in a plate/spoon.
IPA evaporated.

P.S- The middle one was result of Ab tek & STB tek.

Effects: Noticably mild if bonged alone. Felt a boost in effect when bonged with weed ;-)

Do shed some info on what you know.

Love and Peace,

Theres probably some DMT in there, but it's not a particularly effective extraction because the product is such a mess.
Theres probably some DMT in there, but it's not a particularly effective extraction because the product is such a mess.
Thank you for your valuable reply Mr.Educk :)My friend doesn't have any non-polar solvents, so is there any other way to clean up that product? He has turpentine though. Will paint thinner help?Please do suggest something so that he can breakthrough and find the answers he is seeking.He also has some plants around him which he read is full of active substances.. He isn't sure if it is the plant, identification is required. I'll keep you posted.Once again, thank you..Peace out
Still no answers? :( nobody knows an extraction method suited for my foaf? He has all other things, but finding a non-polar solvent is not easy.

It's a feeling worse than anything else. Foaf KNOWS his product has dmt in it, still he cant determine the dosage to break through.

So sad :(

This is some snaps after IPA was evaporated freely.



Trip report coming soon!

Love & Peace!!
Y can't you get some V&P naptha from Home Depot? Stuff works good and is cheap..but I suppose you could try to re-x ur crude with a freeze precip..but I've always had great results with STB and naptha..if you have stem bark don't expect much dmt
Sorry missed your follow up. Home Depot or Lowes has a fair selection of solvents. And if you do some looking you'd be amazed at what you might find.
Stb doesn't work with acacia he needs to do a ab on it, with Mimosa you can get good results with just a stb. If he's looking for answers to the universe, this is a dead end anyways if he breaks through he will just have more questions. The other side makes no sense at all at least not to us
Yea acacia is a little more of a pain than mimosa, but iv STB both with success, with the acacia I did do a "defat" with a naptha soak b4 basing, I don't know if the defat is nessicary but it worked for me
You really should be doing a full A/B with a defat step at the beginning no matter what your starting material. Yes you lose a little yield but you get a much better product.
Damn! I thought nobody saw this shit! I didn't get any notifications when all my fellow rollers commented. Was busy with some work and was stoned in the extra time. Coming back to the topic, thank you all for replying. Hope to share a smoke with you all around a camp fire in the jungle where I live :) :D

My foaf is happy as he got some stash for himself for the time being. But the nagging questions keep popping up. I guess he'll hv to go buy a v n m naptha himself. Does home depot ship to India?

Thank you for helping him out. I tried out that crude thing with a :bong: bed of weed. Felt nice, I drew a picture on my wall :D.. Besides that I didn't feel anything.

Love and :Peace:,

I'm pretty sure if you're in India that getting solvents is not hard. They don't exactly have tight regulations on shit.