Trying to get an MM card in Ontario SUCKS!!!!!!


New Member
I can't seem to be able to get my medical marjuana card.
I have followed all the guidelines except my gp will not sign the forms. He refuses to leaving me no option but to find a doctor independently. Unfortunately here in Canada we do not have lists of doctors who are willing to sign. THAT is considered a total taboo here. Although I can appreciate that it is THEIR decision, it leaves patients like me with nowhere to turn.

I know that there are compassion clubs but I do not seem to be getting any response at all from the one I have applied to and I am not sure why.

All my papers were documented and signed correctly. I have all kinds of proof of my conditions and I am eligible as a group #1 due to fibromyalgia and insomnia.

It is becoming very disheartening, especially when I come here and read about all kinds of people who just decide to get a card and within a couple of weeks have one. :o:shock::sad:


Well-Known Member
Wow, with fibromyalgia you should get an insta-med card. That's not an easy condition to deal with...sorry to hear your struggles. :-?


New Member
Yes i have been to those two sites. \
Thanks ottis. I bought the book and it was disappointing.
It really doesn't tell you a whole lot pluse why did they copy the formns into the book. It was almost like they did not have enough info sso just added the forms to compensate.

:roll: I have spoken with eric Nash about 8 or 9 times already.
Otis•Driftwood;909085 said:
Our medpot program is moving at such a slow pace eh. Have you checked out this site Canada Medical Marihuana ?

Theres this too

More advise don't buy their book though it really doesn't tell you much lol

Good Luck :joint:
Wow, with fibromyalgia you should get an insta-med card. That's not an easy condition to deal with...sorry to hear your struggles. :-?


New Member
Yes with fibromyalgia I should get a card but I am just getting the run-around for some reason. :|


Well-Known Member
Yes i have been to those two sites. \
Thanks ottis. I bought the book and it was disappointing.
It really doesn't tell you a whole lot pluse why did they copy the formns into the book. It was almost like they did not have enough info sso just added the forms to compensate.

:roll: I have spoken with eric Nash about 8 or 9 times already.
Yeah later after reading another thread i see you did know about that site.

There is so little other info about canada's med program out there.

My guess is our prob is cause its all from one source ..federal.. and the doc's too(chicken shits). Down south its state by state while illegal on the fed level. Easy to get a card but ya never know when the federalies are comin' lol. Aren't we supposed to be the more Liberal laid back country of the two? I thought so.

Sorry i couldn't be more help to ya. If i were in your shoes i might try and write to Jack Layton or some big wig supporter of medpot. :joint:


New Member
Yes you are absolutely right there. I have decided to also try getting in touch with the other compassion clubs like C.A.L.M etc and see what they say.

I did everything the compassion club asked me to do and then they left me hanging. I just think it was rude not to at least give me some kind of idea of hope that I might get it or even tell me if my application is denied. They didn't have the common courtesy to even do that which I found to be extremely disappointing.

I worked my ass off trying to get all the info and after 4 months finally got it all together and it gas been 3 months now that I haven't heard anything back. :twisted:

Yes I need to write to someone. you are right.

now whose jay layton :confused: I feel like such ab air head sometimes. If he has to do wiht politics I won't have a clue . :roll:

Thanks again ottis. i will rep you as soon I am able to again.
Otis•Driftwood;911080 said:
Yeah later after reading another thread i see you did know about that site.

There is so little other info about canada's med program out there.

My guess is our prob is cause its all from one source ..federal.. and the doc's too(chicken shits). Down south its state by state while illegal on the fed level. Easy to get a card but ya never know when the federalies are comin' lol. Aren't we supposed to be the more Liberal laid back country of the two? I thought so.

Sorry i couldn't be more help to ya. If i were in your shoes i might try and write to Jack Layton or some big wig supporter of medpot. :joint:


New Member
Oh thank you so much.

I have spoken to health canada numerous times and they have been way more helpful than the compassion club I have been trying to become a member of. I guess they don't want me :(

BUT I am determined to get this. I am not giving up.


Active Member
I also have fibromyalgia and cannabis seems to be the best solution, not freaking anti depressants. I'm trying to get my MM card as well and so far I've come along some very frigid doctors but hopefully we can work through this.